Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Green for Less Green

I love to look in popular home stores and catalogs to see what's current. I never want to have one of those homes that an archeologist can date it (or me) by the furnishings and decorations. You know what I mean. Think of that house down the street that still has country blue and mauve wallpaper adorned with geese and a old dusty dried floral arrangement. Your home design, like water, should never be stagnant. My mother taught me that "a change is as good as a rest." And making small changes in your home can really make it a more restful place.
You don't have to change everything in your house to keep up with the styles, just incorporate a current item or two.
(photo courtesy of Pottery Barn)
Recently while in a very trendy store, I noticed these "moss spheres" adorning several surfaces. You know what I did? Yes. I stopped by the dollar store on my way home and picked up a few items. The glue and thread were items I had on hand.I turned on some relaxing music and started to craft. Working in sections, I applied glue to the styrofoam ball and then stuck on the moss. It was a bit messy, but really easy. Knowing that these spheres might tempt the young men in my family (a ball is a ball to them), I took a clue from the original items and wrapped each with green thread to additionally secure the moss.I was able to make five moss spheres for substantially less than purchasing them at the popular store. Won't this arrangement look gorgeous in my fireplace or as a centerpiece for my table?
I promise to light the candles
and not leave them unattended.

I'm pretty sure that fire and smoke damage
is not a new design trend.


AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Wow - those look amazing! I can't believe you found the styrofoam and moss at the dollar store too! Thanks so much for sharing!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Very cute...I love "green" balls!
-sandy toe

Unknown said...

Your "green moss balls" came out great and thanks for the tip about the thread...that should keep the moss on a little better. GOTTA love a crafter who works off of a silver platter....OH LA LA!

The candle arrangement looks great!!!

Eileen said...

Lovely idea! One suggestion. Paint the styrofoam green first, then if the moss doesn't cover completely, or falls off later, the white isn't so shocking showing through.

I love your blog!

christy said...

I almost picked up some of that moss from the DT this weekend. Guess what I will be doing this week. :)

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I've seen those moss balls everywhere - thanks for the tutorial.

Steph said...

Great project! I know where I'll be stopping on the way home.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Love the green ballls!!! Gonna make me some!

Ashlie said...

Very resourceful of you! I love the way they turned out!

Laryssa Herbert said...

I have really enjoyed reading your blog since I found it a few months ago. This post is so funny because I just did a tutorial on how to make moss balls too! You can see how mine turned out here:


(I spray painted the urn it's sitting in. I was inspired by all the great makeovers that you do!)

tam said...

Great job-you trendy girl you! I always enjoy seeing what you are up to!~Smiles~Tam!

Kristin said...

So classy and elegant{and also a little mood booster for those of us who live in cold snow!} I absolutely enjoy your blog. You always have wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Wow, nice finds and a great way to bring them together! That is going to make a gorgeous centerpiece. Thanks so much for sharing this fun idea, I'll be linking.

AndreaLeigh said...

so did you wrap the thread all over, like the yarn balls, or just randomly? i like those!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

They look adorable, and I bet you could even spray paint the moss to go with a different color decor. :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic idea! That is my new project - thanks to you. The moss reminds me of spring or at least makes me wish it was close. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Great idea...I love those green balls and the ones I have...I didn't make...didn't even think of it....I will now though...thanks for sharing the idea! Blessings, nancy

Salmagundi said...

Those turned out great! Another wonderful thrifty idea with supplies from the dollar store. Sally

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

I love those! Nothing like saving some money and making them yourself!

Mimi Sue said...

Brilliant! Mimi

Our Complete Family said...

Love them! They turned out so cute and are just perfect with spring approaching. It is approaching, right? I'm starting to wonder here with the snow and ice we just got in my neck of the woods!!!

Darlene said...

Those turned out GREAT! Thanks so much for always showing us your "finds". Thanks Joy!

Unknown said...

Really really nice! Oh the fun you can have at the dollar store! woohoo!


Inspired Kara said...

Fabulous replication!!!!!

Shilo said...

What lovely advice your mom gave you. I've never heard it said that way before but I think she nailed it!

Elaine said...

OMG I wish I had seen this 20 years ago when I BOUGHT those goofy spheres and put them in a bowl. My husband did NOT get it...he asked if they were supposed to grow or just sit and gather dust :( (I said they just sit and look purdy!)

Huse Yo Mama said...

Brilliant! Can we go shopping together, please?

Valarie Lea said...

I so bought all the stuff to make these last week! Except mine were going to be just a little different :)

Betsy said...

Thank you pottery barn for great ideas...they always are faithful. Looks great.

Christine said...

I just love the way you do things. Your ideas and showing us who to get the finished product.
Keep up the great job. Love it!


The Style Sisters said...

Love your idea...the green moss balls look fabulous. I must make some for myself. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

I just love reading your posts. The green ball idea was great. I espicially enjoyed the post about oops paint! I just came back from Lowes tonight with a gallon (5.00) of an Eddie Bauer barn red color... LOVE IT!!
Hope your day was great!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

OHHH!!! Snazzy! I have SOOO missed your blog while I was "on leave" last week, i cant wait to get caught up...but first, Im going to the $1 store! :)

Blakeley said...

I love looking at your blog..your so creative and have rekindeled my creative spark :) I have to ask...what color of paint is on your walls in your living room (greenish??) and also, what color is in your room with that map and clocks...looks like a bluish grey. Im trying to find the perfect shade and its so hard, but I love those colors. Please tell me its not a mix :) thanks for the input!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Super Great Idea! Thank you for sharing it.



Teri said...

Love these! What a grand idea! I love the moss available at the dollar store. It seems much greener in color and more realistic than moss from Hobby Lobby or Michael's. AND..it is even more reasonable $1 Thanks for the idea! As soon as some of this snow melts I will be off to do same.

tammy said...


Wendy said...

Pretty. Great job!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Great idea!! I saw them at a store recently for $22 apiece!!! That's insane! Dollar store, here I come! :) Your arrangement with them looks lovely!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Very pretty, Joy! I've used moss for years now on topiaries and other things & I even covered styro balls once with real leaves. Love to incorporate those natural elements. I'm with you, why pay that when you can make your own.

Alaskangal B said...

i am so very thankful that I stumbled across your blog. I am a brand new reader. I am amazed at the things you are creating. I wish I had a dollar store near me to go. My husband and I are overseas till 2012..so unless I can find it on etsy, ebay or amazon.com....It will have to wait. BUT I will be doing that green ball idea as soon as I can. You seem like a woman full of happiness and love and that shows in your posts and your pictures. I look forward to more delightful reads.

God Bless

Jill said...

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I bought the same supplies at the $ store a couple of weeks ago with the same idea but after trying to get the moss ON the ball and failing to keep it there, I gave up. Green thread! Thanks!

Kacey said...

Isn't the Dollar Store one of the best places on earth! Oh the possibilities! I wanted to pop in and let you know I hung my new window project and molding that you wanted to see. I posted it last week, so you will have to scroll down, it won't be the first post. Hope you're having a GREAT day!

Kari said...

Love the moss balls! And love even more that you boy/man-proofed them! There is an award waiting for you at my blog....

Victoria said...

Love the moss on the balls! What a great, cheap idea to update a living room.

Love the kitchen scale your friend found for you too!

Heather Anne said...

Your spheres of mossy goodness are quite lovely! I made some moss balls in the fall and they perch atop my creamy urns! Using spray glue made the whole process quick and nicely uniform - except for the glue that made it's way to my fingers .... I do love moss! My mantle is all mossy and green right now with some nests that are waiting for eggs to be laid - in spring!

Trudi said...

I like your moss balls better. They have more texture. You have the best ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. Where do you get all the time. I needs some tips. Please.

Anonymous said...

I made these many years ago but wrapped them with copper wire.

Love yours with the candles.

Stefanie said...

I know this is a really old post of yours but I love this and featured it on my blog here: http://morethanahouse.blogspot.com/2009/11/motivation-monday-nature-party.html

I have a button there also you can grab and put on your blog saying you were featured! Thanks for the inspiration!

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