Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Sweet Thought

Wouldn't this little tree look beautiful covered with handcut hearts containing handwritten sentiments of love to and from each member of my family, each handtied with pretty satin ribbon?
YES! It would!
But in a home where the males outrank the females four to one, it's just not going to happen. So this will have to do.***UPDATED to ADD: I found the sweet tree at the thrift store, but you could easily make your own with a branch from the yard, painted white and stuck in an urn with stryofoam or plaster of paris.***


Small House said...

SO CUTE! Love the L-O-V-E on your mantel.
Sure enjoy stopping by.
Have a good day.

Steph said...

Your tree looks great!

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Very cute! It must be hard being surrounded by all those men. I love your compromise though :).

Anonymous said...

It's so pretty!

Alas - my cats would have a field day with it...

Kim said...

Aww, that tree is so cute.

Janene said...

That is pretty sweet!
Where did you find a tree like that?

Holly said...

Joy, I would love to visit your home (theoretically; I'm not inviting myself :) ). It's always decorated so beautifully!

Michelle said...

adorable, where did you find the tree at (is it from a craft store or the real thing painted?) - I might want to copy the idea and I am the only girl at my house too.

Inspired Kara said...

I bet if you hung some candy from it they'd get into it!!!!

Oh wait. Maybe that is already candy :(

Christina said...

This is very cute. I almost picked up an Easter tree at Goodwill the other day. I should have. My daughter would love something like this.

Barb said...

great find you lucky girl...Barb

Michelle said...

A family tradition that my Son (now 11) helped me start many years ago when we were snowed in one day. We make hearts for the women in our family. Check out my blog at
Thank you for your inspiration every day.

Georgia Girl said...


Georgia Girl said...

oops...working on a report...forgot the caps were on...

Shell in your Pocket said...

That is just too cute! -sandy toe

Lisa said...



Bonnie the Boss said...

I am out numbered here as well! Help! really cute idea! I bet I could still find the branch I used at thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

What a fun tree! I love this idea.

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

The tree was adorable BUT what really caught my eye was the stack of suitcases! What a great idea and it looks fantastic!
I really enjoy your blog,

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

That's a super idea! Either with little heart notes or just red hearts!

Salmagundi said...

You always have wonderful projects. Thanks for sharing. Sally

Joanna said...

I just found your blog and love it! I will be back to blog haunt you. *Smiles*

Unknown said...

What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

Lindsay @ Makely said...

Very cute!

I know what you mean about being overrun with men...even my dog and cat are "guys."

Unknown said...

Love it! I would have never thought of a Valentine tree, now I'm going to have to find some branches!

Amber Filkins said...

love it! So cute

Anonymous said...

Love It!
I also want to add, I found your blog a couple days ago. After devouring every post, I now get giddy when I see your blog in bold in google reader. I have a bout 50 projects to do already... but I was looking for a 'tall' accent piece for my living room. This is PERFECT! Thank you!

Beca said...

I love that idea. Is that chocolate? I'll bet that tree will be empty next time you turn around.

Darlene said...

That is such a cute idea! LOVE it!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

I just love your suitcases. I know that's not today's topic, but whenever I see them in the background it makes me smile!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Very sweet little tree!

~ Sarah

Our Paper Plates said...

Your tree looks super cute! Maybe your boys will surprise you and leave little notes of admiration anyways :)

AndreaLeigh said...

very nice! love the hearts!

Linda said...

I love your Valentine tree! I made one similar for spooky tree. I did just as you mentioned, picked up some tree branches while on a hike, brought them home and spray painted them, and viola!

Karen said...

Girl I am soooooo with you having all men but me!!!! Sometimes they'll look at something and go "huh?"
They just don't get it. Oh well. Granddaughters someday???!!! (Pray for me, and I'll pray for you!)
:) enjoyed the post. HAGD! Karen

Katie said...

I love that tree and was just going to ask where you got it but then I see. I want to to the same and decorate each season with one, so cute.

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