Friday, March 20, 2009

A, B, or C

I appreciate all of your ideas for the giveaway.
My favorite suggestions were for you to fly me
to your home for a design consultation.
OH! I would LOVE that!!!
Speaking of love. . .
Don't we all love giving gifts that
we know the recipients truly enjoy?
I know I do.
So I've made this gift giveaway
a bit different.
YOU get to choose the gift.
Here's what you need to do.
Decide which gift you want to win.
Then leave me a comment on THIS post.
Specify Prize A, Prize B, or Prize C.
You can only pick one,
And you can only leave one comment.

Are you ready?

is a Custom-made Burlap Monogram
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square.Frames for BOTH Prizes A & B will look like this one
made by Mr. J.of H.
and I'll paint it the color of your choice

is a Custom-made Chalkboard
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square

is your choice of TWO of the following:
3 Moss Balls
a Custom-made Monogram Plaquea Small Chalkboardor a Custom-made Family Name Plaque

Only One Choice & One Comment Per Person
I'll accept comments until
Tuesday March 24th at 10 PM MST
***Edited to Add:***
Time is up!
Thanks for your comments


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 471   Newer›   Newest»
Ashley said...

Eveything you post amazes me! But...that Monogram on burlap has had me smiling for weeks now. I love it!! Congrats on your year of blogging, and here's to even more.

zobars said...

I am loving the monogram idea.

Sadie said...

What a fun giveaway! I love Prize C (the family name plaque and monogram plaque!)

blairsblog6 said...

My daughter is helping me and she says we pick C! I hope we win!!

HopiQ said...

LOVE!!! I'm visiting from Today's creative Blog. So glad to find you and your fab ideas!

Kiara and Scott Vowell said...

I would love to teach my little baby girl to write with that oh so cute chalk board. So put me down for B! I am crossing my fingers!

Kasey said...

Option C please!!! Family name plaque is really cool.

Sheena said...

Oh the choices. I will choose...Prize C!! Very fun. Crossing my fingers!! :)

Sunshine Promises said...

Well, you KNOW what one I would choose (since I asked for instructions . . . ) - the burlap monogram. And why should you choose me? Because I live in your hometown and you wouldn't have to pay for shipping! Look how easy THAT would be ;-)

BTW - Happy 1st Birthday! (you never thought you'd hear that again, did ya!)

Lorri said...

I love it all! But really like the chaulkboard. Please enter me!

Megan said...

Ok this is a hard one to pick. But I'm gonna have to go with option A. I love the sack idea.

Dawn said...

Tough choice! I'd choose the chalkboard. They're all great though. Thanks!

Pam said...

I love them all but I really want one of those burlap monograms!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

You are so generous and sweet! I will choose....A!

Calise said...

Oh! I can't get enough of your blog! Or of option B! I would love one in that same green :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Even though they are all so beautiful, I would choose prize C as it would fit well in my home.

Anonymous said...

Love them ALL! Love the blog, I can't get enough. My husband shakes his head when I start our conversations out with.... 'You'll never guess what Joy did on her blog today...' He knows a new Honey DO is coming.

I personally would choose C. I love the Monogram & the Moss Balls.

Joy You Rock!

HouseMama said...

I would love Prize C. Thank you for inspiring me to re-purpose what I have. I appreciate your blog so much!

Tracey said...

I pick prize choices would be the monogram and the family name plaque!
Thanks for having such a generous giveaway!!

Cardalls said...

Chalkboard with sage green trim!

kristal said...

i like option C. the more the merrier! thank you for such wonderful choices:)

Lizzy Bee said...

I would pick B, and know right where I would put it! Thanks for your cute blog with so many great ideas!

Sara said...

Oh this is so hard! I love them all, but I would choose C mossy balls and custom family name plaque.

Stacia said...

I love your blog... You taught me how to use black spray paint =) Now I'm hooked!! I would love Prize C....the small chalkboard and moss balls.

Kelli said...

Option A is my favorite. Your talents are endless. Thanks for sharing.!!!!

Juanita said...

O.K. I choose C-the Monogrammed plague and the family name plaque..But I love all of them!Have a blessed day!

Melody said...

oo such beautiful things.... you certainly have an eye for all things decorating.

Let's see I'd choose option C with the Family name plaque and the Monogram plaque. What a generous giveaway you are having. Thanks for the opportunity.

Rainy Day Farm said...

You are so nice to do a hand crafted give away. So much fun. My favorite is (B)the large chalkboard. It is so cute and I could do so many things with is, like my decorating to do list.:)

Sweet Caroline said...

AHHHHH.. What do YOU get out of this? I am feeling sorry for you...I don't want to just assume you have all this time to make something and then lay in bed at night and feel you just give...give...give...

Your blog is incredible, and I actually already got the burlap to make the monogram. I am planning on putting it above my fireplace. Also still collecting suitcases and decided to make a headboard out of it for my son's room. So, thank you for that idea.

I guess if I had to "pick" an item, I would obviously pick option A. But, I can't figure out why it feels so uncomfortable to take without giving back...

I would have to give you something in return. Even if it is peanut butter cup cookies.

That is just the way I am! :)

Breathing In Grace said...

I love the chalkboard...with sage green trim, please...listen to me acting like I've already won!!! ha! ha!
Love your blog!!!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

WOW!!! Prize A would be fabulous!!! I can picture it in my home now! :) I just LOVE that! Thanks for being such a source of lovely inspiration! Love your blog :)

Stacie said...

Ooooh, definitely option A--I have a blank wall just screaming for that !

Melayla said...

Oh those are all so tempting. I would love B if I win. I think I'd like the frame to be white. Thanks :-)

I just love your blog; I didn't pick the moss balls because I'm looking forward to making my own; loved your post on that.

Rebekah said...

Congrats on the blog anniversary! I love A, the monogram on burlap. It is a look I would love to introduce my mom's house to as well!

Anonymous said...

I would so love the monogram plaque! Thanks for the chance!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

I LOVE the chalkboard! I love the apple green color you have yours! :) So I guess that's Prize B!

Thanks for the giveaway!


L. Miller Design said...

I love Prize B, the chalkboard!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

It is so hard to choose... but I finally have decided on C the monogram plaque and the monogram sign.
I love your blog. I check it daily. Keep up the good work! We do appreciate it.

Al said...

Absolutely B, I'd love a chalkboard for my kitchen!

Liz said...

hmm...I would love all of the above, but I don't think that was an option.

I guess probably B would be my choice.

Brittany said...

i'd love a family name plaque!

Jo said...

Happy One Year!!! Thanks for taking the time to inspire the rest of us. I like prize A best. When I read your original how-to post about the burlap, I decided I needed to do one some day. Even better if someone else does it for me!

Shaam said...

Ohhhh! I would love option C if I win please :) Thank you!

All the best,

Dawn said...

I would love A!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Chelayne said...

I love, love, love option A. I have been on a hunt for grain sacks since you first posted them. Great Idea!

KL said...

They are all wonderful (Wish I could pick them all)! You do such a great job! Prize A for me! :)

Kim said...

I read your blog everyday and get so much inspriration from it. I would choose option B love the chalkboard.

Micha said...

Lovely things! I would choose option C: the monogram plaque and the moss balls. I love those mossy balls!

marilynl said...

Oh dear! I think choose the custom made burlap monogram. (0ption A!) I love your blog and your designs. I think you have a wonderful home. Looking forward to more wonderful ideas.

Erin said...

I would love a chalkboard!! I have been hunting for the perfect frame.

Dawn A. said...

I would love option A. I love that monogram. Love your blog. Keep the ideas comming!

The McGraths said...

You are amazing! i would them all but I think I would enjoy Prize C- small chalkboard, the most. Ooooo...I hope I win

Unknown said...

Oh I love the custom-made chalkboard! I choose B.

Blessings to you!

Stephanie said...

I would love the option B for me.


9405018--Pat said...

Oh, I love the family name all of them...thanks...Pat H

Tami H. said...

A, I pick A! I am a new reader and I just love all of your fabulous ideas! Thank you for sharing. Wish me luck!

Amy said...

If I have to choose, which I do, right...I choose Prize the monogram plaque & the little sign.

So cute!

Lorie said...

I am going to have to say prize A! I love that burlap monogram! And my last name just happens to start with an A! ;D

Judy said...

I love option C. The monogram plaque and the three moss balls!

CandiShack said...

Wow there are a lot of comments! I guess that's what you get when you have a give-away! I LOVE option A: the monogrammed letter. Oh, and I also love your stack of suitcases. :)
Take care!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Which one do I pick? I can't decide. I'm sooo indecisive. The pressure is building. Come on, pick one!!

I pick........ B, the custom chalk board.

Look, I can make a decision. Whew! Now I need a nap!

Great giveaway!

Mollie said...

I would choose C! With the moss balls and the monogram. Hard choice though!

Amy said...

C, C, I want C! C is for adorable custom made monogram plaque! Love it!

Laurie said...

I really enjoy your blog. This is such a neat giveaway.

It's so hard to decide which item I'd want more, but I'd go with option B.

Bella said...

I would choose A! How beautiful all of these things are!!! I love it all! :-)

Carol said...

I would choose option C! I'd want the Family name plaque and custom made mongram plaque using the letter "B."

I really enjoy reading your blog!

Kim said...

ALL your choices are excellent! But part of being a southern girl means loving monograms. And being far, far away means smaller would be better if I actually win :-)

So I'm going with the custom-made monogram plaque.

Michelle said...

OMG...look at all of these comments! I like A!

Love your Blog and it's just a pleasure to wake up and see what you have created and/or helped up to create.

Happy Anniversary and good luck to everyone!!!

Martha said...

Ooo. Love them all!

I'd probably pick one of the smaller chalkboards!

I love your blog :)

Martha from Elizabeth Hill

Unknown said...

I'd have to go with C - I love both the Monogram Plaque and the family name plaque

Julie said...

I choose the chalkboard! Love your blog

Those Dandy Dillards said...

I would choose the chalkboard for my kid's playroom!

Great blog - I love it!!

Two Little Tots said...

Oh, I love them all, but if I have to pick one...the chalkboard.
Thanks for a great give away!

Andrea said...

Thank you so much for many inspiring ideas. You have motivated me to get crafty! I would choose option unique and interesting. Thanks for the chance!

Chris said...

I've been following your blog for a few months. Love your ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. I used your family name plaque idea to make an Indiana University logo plaque for my neighbor for his 40th birthday. He loved it! Anyway...

My choice is B. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love your site! I want my husband to make me bookshelves out of doors now!! :)

I would love option B!

Jeppson Clan said...

Wow, what a fun giveaway! Just like everyone else has said, it IS hard to choose. Thanks for the chance to win. My pick is A.

Jo said...

I'm still in love with the monogram, so my choice is A ~ I wish I had the talent you do!

Have a wonderful weekend,

JJ said...

I have to choose just one?...OK, I'll take option C! That way it's kind of like I got to choose more than one option! I'd want the family name plaque and the small chalkboard!

Mom to my China Posse said...

Love the chalk board option B! I have 7 kids so this would be so functional in my kitchen area! Thanks, kathy

nkh said...

What a great give away. I would love option A with the frame painted black. I'm never one to turn down a monogram.

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

I love chalkboards, so I would choose Prize B. All of your things are beautiful!

Just Rhonda said...

beautiful blog!! I just stumbled across it this morning. All of those prizes are amazing!

Just Us said...

I love your blog and I would pick the lovely B!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, sign me up for this one! I'd choose A.

Michelle said...

Love your blog... great giveaway too! I would choose option A. I love the burlap monogram!! :)
Happy "blogoversary'!

alexwuenstel said...

Love your blog so inspires me! Congrats on your "anniversary". I would have to pick option include the family name plaque and the monogram. Thanks!

Amber Joy said...

I would love to win the chalkbaord in a red frame. I adore your things.


Stefanie said...

A for me. Although I absolutely LOVE them ALL!

arah said...

I love them all but I think I would choose option B with a robin egg blue frame.
Love your blog!

Every Day Blessings said...

How do you decide they are all so cute. I think I would choose "A". congratulations on your posting!

Amy Jo said...

Hi! I would pick letter A, since that looks like one I might never make for myself. I've never seen someone give options for a giveaway! What a fun idea!

missyg said...

Very kind of you to offer these wonderful gifts!

I would love to have the chalkboard...option B.

Laura said...

Oo, I'd love to win Prize C!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Oh, they are also so cute, but I think I'd love C.

Taya said...

I choose B, but love them all you are so creative!

Heather said...

I love A for me...but I have 2 girls and you know how that's all about them. So, I would have to pick B for my daughter. She plays school everyday like it is her job!!! That little chalkboard would make such a nice addition to her 'class'room!

Debbie Lawrence said...

Wow, a lot of people got here before me! :) We just bought our first house and option C (the monogram and the small family plaque) would make starting to decorate a lot more fun!

I recently discovered your blog and I am LOVING it. Thank you for sharing your talents!

3LittleByrds said...

Love them all but I'd have to go with option A. Love the burlap.

Linda said...

Such a generous giveaway...thank you!

I love them all but would pick option A. The burlap monogram would look wonderful in my house!


I choose C ~ 3 moss balls, and a custom-made monogram plaque "H" !!

sam and kyrsten said...

You are so talented. every one of those are ADORABLE! but i choose option B i would love to have a chalkboard in my kitchen! What a fun idea! thanks for blogging!

MelissaF said...

It would be really neat to have Option A in our home. What a great giveaway!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...


Janalee Hubbard said...

Wow, 306 comments so far! Can you feel the love from all of us? I enjoyed your reflections about your one year anniversary of blogging. I too love blogging for the connections that are made and I'm grateful to be able to get a glimpse into your creative mind! So thank you for blogging. Every time I visit you I want to run right down to my thrift store!

My favorite is the burlap Monogram . . . I would love to have a treasure from you in my home!

Me said...

I would choose A the monogram on burlap sounds so original! I love your blog -Marian

koryshar said...

I'd absolutely love the framed chalkboard. I love the green frame. It would look so perfect in my house! Thanks for the give away.

Unknown said...

I have just recently come across your blog. I have been enjoying reading it and getting great ideas.

I Love all the items, but would have to choose item A.

Kristi M. said...

I would totally go for option C. i would love the moss balls and the custom made monogram plaque with an M.

Melinda said...

Prize B, please! I LOVE your site!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I love them ALL! But I would choose A if I had to pick just one! But I do love thek all. You are so talented!!

Lou Cinda :)

Sherrie said...

I would totaly chose A!!! I have liked that since you made it!!
Thank you, Sherrie

Jackie said...

i would choose 'C' and i would choose the hanging sign and the balls

Mattias Gramy said...

My choice would be "C" I love them all!
You are such an inspiration!

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

OOoOo It would be choice C for me.... the more the merrier! lol. I love your work :) keep it up!

emilyem said...

I would choose Prize B. . . thanks for all the great ideas!

Brittany Ann said...

All of your things are so darling. I have gone back and forth. But I have to say that if I was lucky eough to win...I'd love to have the chalkboard with the frame painted sky blue, it would be so cute in my sons room. So... B. Thank you!

Unknown said...

LOVE A....thanks for the great blog!

Robin said...

The chalkboard would be perfect!
B...for me!

terramisu said...

I heart this lil' bloggie, and I love option A!

terramisu said...
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terramisu said...
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Kylie said...

I don't know what I'd choose... I love the chalkboard.
You have the cutest ideas! I'm glad you started this blog.

antiquechase said...

I just found your blog and I love it and I am so inspired! I would choose project A forsure...pick me, pick me!!

Julie said...

Love your blog. I'm moving into my new home in two weeks and I've been saving up your ispirations to use in it. I'd choose C -Monogram and family name.

Kyle said...

You're so creative, I want to be you when I grow up.

If I won I'd go for Option A, "M" please.

Love your blog! Happy one year!

Young Family said...

Man there are a lot of comments, but I am not going to let that discourage me. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this. Choice C. With the Monogram Letter and the Family name plaque. I think these would be adorable in my home! Please pick me. I am a devoted J. of H. follower. :)

Anonymous said...

What a shot in the dark this contest will be for me. But I really love your site so much that I want to feel apart of this specialness. I will be able to tell my kids one day that I entered Joys Great 1 Year Anniversary Giveaway in the year 2009! I would love to have the family name plaque. I hope I win...

My best, Lynn

The Holyoaks said...

I like Prize A! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Every single choice is FAB-U-LOUS... But, ever since I saw the first burlap piece, I have been in love! If I won this great giveaway, I choose option 'A'.

Aubrey said...

I think I'm going to have to go with A. I've said it before and I'll say it again--love your blog. Here's to many more years. :)

Aimee said...

Option B for me - such a generous giveaway! LOVE your blog!

Melissa said...

I love that chalkboard! Too cute! B would be my choice

Crystal said...

I love them all, but I think my choice would be "B". That chalkboard is great...maybe with gold trim.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Joy...

Ohhh my...what a fabulous gift're so sweet!!!

Well my friend, I love all three gifts but if I were to choose just would be gift A!

Thank you so much!
Warmest wishes,

Paula@SweetPea said...

I just found your blog through "Cathy's Out Junkin' Again." I'll be back!

I'd chooce prize A.

Free Art Printables said...

Me! :) Jen

Free Art Printables said...

Oh, Love the moss balls! Jen

Paula Barin said...

What a great selection of prizes. Mmmmm... what to choose. I love the moss balls and the monogram plaque. What a treat!

Christy said...

OH my goodness! This is fantastic! YOu have inspired for many projects! I would choose Prize C...with the custom-made family name plaque and the 2 moss balls! I love your blog!

Anjeanette said...

I love checking in on your many great ideas. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. I have loved your chalkboard ever since you posted that idea. I would choose B, so I could enjoy one myself. Thanks-

TidyMom said...

Oh I would SO love the Burlap Monogram!! you are too kind Joy!!

........thanks for all the blogging you do!!


LindaO said...

Happy Blogoversary! I would pick option C

Mrs.Busy Bee said...

Holy cow, do you really make all of these? They are fabulous! I am new to yours blog so I just can't tell you my favorite and enter in the free give away. Love your creative ideas!!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I love them all.......I am not picky.....But if I HAD to choose, it would be the chalk, maybe the burlap monogram....well.....maybe the mossy balls.... :)

Kim Breinholt said...

Your things are all so beautiful but I LOVE A.

love you to pieces said...

oooh wow what a fun give away, I would choose A, the burlap monogram. Happy anniversy and I love your blog and taste.. Kathy H. said...

I've been following your blog for awhile now, but this is my first time to comment! What a great and generous giveaway! I would love any of them, but I think I would choose Prize B...I LOVE that chalkboard! :) You have an awesome blog with great ideas!

Jessy said...

A! :o)

I absolutely love your blog and I've shared it with quite a few people that I know :o)

Rachelle said...

I would love to win something (odds aren't that great but oh well). I love Option C with the monogram and the family name plaque. Cuteness!

Karen said...

I know I am late to the party, but I would LOVE to win one of your goodies! And I wasn't going to catch up on my reader until later in the week - now I am glad I couldn't resist. A great giveaway! Since I tend to be a lurker instead of a commenter, even if I don't win, I just wanted to thank you for all of the great ideas you have added to my inspiration notebook this year!

Anonymous said...

They are all cute, but I would have to say C. I love the moss balls and the monogram board with the letter B please.

Anonymous said...

Oh-- great options!

Family name plate, please!

jnscrotsley said...

Love Love Love your site!! If I had to pick only one it would be A-the beautiful chalkboard (just what my kitchen needs)!!

Keep the ideas coming they are so inspiring!


Candice said...

oooooo, I chose option c! I love the moss balls and the family name plaque! So cute!a

Rhoda said...

Lovely! I would love choice C, the small chalkboard and family plaque! :)

Nicole said...

Wow, great giveaway! Pretty please pick me! I think I would have to pick B, I love all of your monogrammed pieces!

Stevie said...

They are all wonderful! I choose....hmmm....A! with a black frame

lani said...

Oh I am so excited!! if I won I would choose C and get the mongram plaque and the name sign! They are so cute! And I am still collecting my As! thanks!

Cheryl said...

I would have to go with the Custom-made Burlap Monogram with a "B"
webowes at hotmail dot com

Casey said...

you are so creative!

thanks for the giveaway! :)

i pick option C!

Kim said...

Holy Cow!! I just read your blog for the first time - I don't even know how i got here - and I can't get my mouth to close - my jaw keeps dropping down to my keyboard! I couldn't get enough of the pictures of your home and all of that custom furniture. I hardly feel worthy to enter your give-away, since I stumbled here accidentally, but what the heck! I adore that burlap monogram so much, that even if I don't win I might have to order one anyway! ~~KIM~~
p.s. stop by and visit my blog sometime!!!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

Prize A please!!!

annelise said...

I love the choice A, love , love , it...
I love your blog...

Nancy Wyatt said...

I love the chalkboard but they are are fantastic and would be happy to receive any of them! Left you an award on my blog so if you would like to stop by to take it and play along great! If your too busy to play I totally understand. Hugs from Conroe, TX!

Countrylivn' said...

I love them all, like all of your creations! But I have to go with B! Thanks Joy for inspiring us all!

Deb and Blake said...

I love the mongram frame! Congrats on your anniversary! I always look forward to each of your posts!

Kasey said...

I I need the chalk board! Option B is my fav.

I love your blog! I love your holiday ideas and one day I'll get around to actally making something fun. I actully bought 2 chairs from a yard sale that I'm going to refinish. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with those less myself!

Hayley said...

Option C! I would pick the moss balls and the family name (Kidman). So darling!

Kelly @ Life As A Martin said...

Love Prize B! With three kids running aroud it would make a wonderful addition to our home. I love your ideas...especially the suitcase tower.
Kelly in MS

Sheena said...

Thank you for all your yummy ideas! I have done great things with old furnature pieces because of you! Should I be so lucky to win..I pick "B"!

em said...

Wow, are you serious? They are all adorable, but I would choose the first are so talented! Thanks for all your awesome ideas!

Lisa said...

I would love the chalkboard so I'll stop forgetting all the things I need from the grocery store!

Meg said...

I love all of them, but I would really get a lot of use out of the small chalkboard. I am always using sticky notes on our door so my husband won't forget his lunch :)

Wendy said...

I love, love your blog! I wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderfully creative ideas.
Best Wishes,
Wendy in NorthEast Texas

Tina said...

I love all the things you do.
I would jump for joy for prize A.

Debbie said...

Oh my You are one talented lady. I love everything you showed us. You are on my daily list.

I really like the Monogram and the first prize.

Thanks for the candy. I would be so happy with anything.

debbie peysen

Wendy said...

Wow Joy! 379 comments and countain! I'd like Prize A should I be so lucky!!!

You are an amazingly talented woman! Glad I've gotten to know you through blogging!

trekmom said...

Wow, what a hard decision! I think I would pick "b" - the chalkboard.
Love your blog!

Holly Days said...

l would choose option c and get the name plaque and the monogram. Thanks for the opportunity

Tumbleweed Trails said...

I choose the chalkboard in B. It is terrific and I'd get a lot of use out of it. It would help make up for my absentmindedness and help me remember VERY important things around here.


visionquest2020 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Prize B with red.

You inspire me every time I visit you.


Alaskangal B said...

383 comments ahead of mine? Well, well that is an overwhelming thing for me to see I hope that you do not feel that way. Maybe have your daughter help you pick. Good LUck on that.

I would have to choose Opition C-out of those would be the lil monogramed plaque and the last name plate!!

Have a great week.

J. Paige said...

I would choose the cute chalkboard- although everthing you touch turns out wonderful!

Sharon said...

I would pick B... love the chalkboard!

debbi said...

"A" for me! I love the burlap! :) What a great giveaway! thanks for sharing your projects...i love 'em

Sa-Sea said...

i am in LOVE with ALLLLL of them! amazing!!!! But if I HAD to choose, i would be melts my heart!!!!

The Colemans :) said...

I love looking at your blog. You always have such cute ideas!
I would choose the 2x2 chalkboard. Option B i believe...

Jacki said...

Please put me down for choice B!!!!!

Our Naquin Family said...

They are all perfect~~but I would have to say my choice would be A. I loe your blog~ Thanks.

beckaboots said...

I love C! I'm thinking I'm going to want 3 moss balls and the small chalkboard!

lora said...

I love your creations. You are so talented....
I'd love Prize B.....

Cherry Blossoms said...

For me I would love B! It would be so fun to have this hanging in my kitchen!

Love your blog!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Jenette said...

What a great idea to let us choose!!! I Choose option A. I would paint the frame either Black or Chocolate Brown... I love the blog. Thanks for all the ideas!!!

Lindsay said...

wow..what fun..your'e wonderful..they are all great..but I think I'll pick "A". if you'd like you can check out my friends and I crafting

Trixi said...

Oooh, Oooh, I want one. I love them all so it wouldn't even matter.

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I'll take Option C, please! The Moss balls and the monogram plaque (letter "H"). Fun giveaway!

Mom of the three B's said...

First of all I am so glad that I came across you blog. I love, love, love it! I look forward to it everyday. Please don't every stop blogging. You rock!!!! I would love to have option A.

Ms. Witi said...

How generous of you to let US choose the prize.

I am soo excited!

I would choose "C" and it would consist of the Monogram Plaque and the Custom-made Family Name plaque.

All of your items are great but I like the personal touch from you making it personal for my family.

Now I can only pray I win! HA!

June said...

What a hard decision, I LOVE everything! I guess I would choose the chalkboard, I always need a place to write reminders. Thanks for blogging. I love to keep up with all your projects.

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