Friday, March 20, 2009

A, B, or C

I appreciate all of your ideas for the giveaway.
My favorite suggestions were for you to fly me
to your home for a design consultation.
OH! I would LOVE that!!!
Speaking of love. . .
Don't we all love giving gifts that
we know the recipients truly enjoy?
I know I do.
So I've made this gift giveaway
a bit different.
YOU get to choose the gift.
Here's what you need to do.
Decide which gift you want to win.
Then leave me a comment on THIS post.
Specify Prize A, Prize B, or Prize C.
You can only pick one,
And you can only leave one comment.

Are you ready?

is a Custom-made Burlap Monogram
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square.Frames for BOTH Prizes A & B will look like this one
made by Mr. J.of H.
and I'll paint it the color of your choice

is a Custom-made Chalkboard
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square

is your choice of TWO of the following:
3 Moss Balls
a Custom-made Monogram Plaquea Small Chalkboardor a Custom-made Family Name Plaque

Only One Choice & One Comment Per Person
I'll accept comments until
Tuesday March 24th at 10 PM MST
***Edited to Add:***
Time is up!
Thanks for your comments


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Sarah said...

I'd have to go with A - the custom burlap monogram with the letter K. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

wow! what a generous gift! I don't think I can compete with over 400 comments though!
I would like PRIZE C
my 2 picks:
The family name plaque and the mongram.
THANKS! hope I win! love your blog!

RootsAndWingsCo said...

Certainly, I'd love Prize A! Gorgeous!

Holly said...

I would love choice A! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Joy!

Jena said...

I would love to have Prize A if I were to win (although they are all great and it was a difficult decision). Thanks for the opportunity to enter and win. I love your blog.

me me me said...

B- although I love ALL of them, I just have plans (and supplies) to copy most of the others.

Trudi said...

Joy you really need to publish a book of all your great ideas. You are the best. hugs

Kari said...

Oh my gosh this is the best giveaway EVER! I was so impressed with your vintage grain sack knockoff that i would definitely have to choose that. It is AMAZING!!! Thanks for a great giveaway!


Kelly said...

Pick me! I would love Prize C!!! :)


Kristen, pajama mama said...

I'd love a big "S" on Option "A"!

Lianna Knight said...

Oh this is SO hard to decide :(

I'll go with Prize B...the custom made chalkboard! I just adore yours!!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE C! I have been looking for moss balls and am not brave enough to make my own. Thanks so much!!

Becky said...

C would be my choice--moss balls and the custom letter. Hooray for giveaways and celebrations!

Eugene Powell Till said...

Absolutely love all of them! But I love the chalkboard- and I would want that exact color! It would match my kitchen- where it would be kept! You're wonderful. :)

Hannah Azevedo said...

Ooohh...the moss balls and chalkboard are my FAVORITES! (The answer is C.) Just stumbled onto your blog - and I love the creative ideas!

Analia and Co. said...

Hi...this is so nice of you! I would love prize B...the chalkboard! Your ideas are so creative.

Anna said...

A friend guided me to your wonderful blog. I would choose Option C and go with the monogram plaque and the family name plaque. (But I love them all!)

Stephanie said...

I would LOVE choice A. I've wanted to make one, but three little kiddos are always calling my name :) Thanks for always sharing your creative ideas!

Jodi said...

They're all great options, but I'd pick "C". I love things that have monograms or family names on it.

Megan said...

Tough choices - they are all great. I choose B! love the chalkboard!

EMILEE said...


Ashley said...

I love them all...okay I pick C, and out of those I like the name plaque and the monogram

Anonymous said...

Joy, I know you said only one comment per person but I just came back to check on when the contest is ending and saw how many people are currently entered and...whoa...I wanted to offer any help you might need with picking a winner like out of a hat or anything. I'm here to help if you need it. That's all.

My best, Lynn

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I'd love to enter :0). If I'm chosen I'd really like the burlap monogram :0)but I love them all!

The Runyans said...

wow. you are so precious!

i would love to win. . .if i did, i would pick Prize B!!

With the letter R!


Marty said...

A for me. Love the burlap monogram.

flanneryhouse said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Your blog is simply the best!! I just love it. I would pick A - with the letter F monogrammed.

Southern Fried Gal said...

Love everything you do so it's hard to choose! I think would have to go with prize C with the monogragm plaque and name plaque - is that vain or what?

Victoria said...

Oh I love A!!!!

Victoria said...

Oh I love A!!!

Tabatha said...

I would LOVE you to come here and consult me on my's a blank canvas and we've lived here 5years now!! uuugghhh!!! I live in AZ...we have great winters and springs!! (hint, hint :o) ) If I were to win, I absolutely LOVE the chalkboard! Love the green trim too!! Thanks for sharing your talents with the world!

southerninspiration said...

Wow, at the comments, girl! What great prizes!!! I do love the burlap monogram and the chalkboard; and the moss balls, and family name.....can you tell I'm indecisive!?


Natalie said...

Gorgeous ! I'd love the custom burlap monogram!

Unknown said...

Ok ... I love the chalkboard. A friend of mine would write the names of people she was praying for on hers and I always loved that idea. Thanks for the giveaway.

Char and Lois said...

I love prize A....because it reminds me of some of the beautiful things in my Grandmother's home that were lost to water damage as we were preparing to move....We lost all of my Grandmother's precious things...which included a monogrammed piece...which I believe was done with thread....seeing prize A just brought back so many good childhood memories and a time when life was definitely....simpler....which is my life theme...for 2009...thank you for this offering.....:)

Renee said...

I want A, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen. You are so talented!

Liz said...

I would love option A! With a P for Pabst on it! I love all things monogrammed and all things Burlap. Love from Richmond,Texas!

Michael and Emily said...

I LOVE the custom made chalkboard. B!

Missy in Texas said...

I love "A" ... the monogram burlap is so cute.

Erica said...

I've been following your blog forever but with a giveaway this good I knew I needed to start leaving comments. They all are wonderful but C is what I would pick :)

Heather said...

I just LOVE your blog! Such darling stuff! I would have to say C... I love the monogram and family name plaque!

Jenn N Goo said...

Prize A. I've been loving it ever since you first posted it.

Diane said...

I love option C. I am in love with the family name plaque and the small chalkboard!

April said...

Your ideas inspire my creative side...I'd love the chalkboard!

Paula said...

I like C! Thanks for entering me :)

Kim Hughes said...

I'm pretty new to your blog and have gone back pretty far on your posts to try and catch up. I love everything I see. I would choose "C" please if I won.

Unknown said...

Whew! I got here just in time! I'd love to be entered into the drawing, and I'd love the custom family name sign. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration!


Elizabeth said...

I love your blog! It was a really tough decision which to choose! But I think I'd have to go with choice A---With an L on it!

philben5 said...

What a wonderful giveaway.. 450 comments lady! Wow I would choose option A if I were the lucky one chosen. Blessings

Nikki said...

I absolutely LOVE to look at your ideas for inspiration! Your home is beautiful and you have given me great ideas for my new home... I love option C. I loved the monogram plaque immediately when I saw it! "K" is the letter I would choose, and the moss balls are darling! Thank you for your inspiration!

Rebecca R. said...

Your home and all of your decorations are so lovely! Thanks for inspiring me to look at what I have in a new way and grab a bottle of paint rather than buying something new!!!!! I needed a decorating boost! I would love to win choice A - gorgeous!

Angie Penrose said...

What a fun blog you have!! So inspiring. :) Any of those choices would be wonderful but the chalk board is calling my name. My choice would be B. How nice of you to share.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to choose B, the chalkboard. I've got the perfect place for it!

mel said...

They would all be a great gift to receive! But since I was on the hunt for the moss balls this weekend and came home empty handed, I would pick that. Have a great evening!!

Emily said...

A is the way! with an off white frame. It was hard to choose. Thanks for the giveaway!

Snips And Snails and Piggy Tails said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. I read it daily, but this is my first time commenting. The items you are offering as a giveaway are all fabulous (what a hard decision) but I love the chalkboard (Option B); I've always wanted one in the kitchen!!!

Lara said...

I would absolutely love any one of your delightful creations! Thanks for the opportunity!

cherry said...

Welll I never win anything but I have to enter anyways. Love number 1! Happy Spring break. cherry

Maggie Muggins said...

Your blog is so inspiring. You have such beautiful decor and ideas. Thanks for sharing. Option C looks fabulous to me.

Ashley said...

When I first read this post I was so plagued with indecision that I didn't comment but vowed to think about it and come back. Thanks for the reminder on today's post, I almost "B". Thanks so much for the opportunity! Your blog inspires me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fun idea! Its like shopping from your home! I would love the chalkboard in a creamy white! I hope I win! Thanks!

Hannah said...

So many GREAT choices...I would choose C, the monogram plaque (S) and the family name board.


Unknown said...

I read your inspirational blog daily; thanks!! I would like C: the moss balls and the name plaque (family name Diaz).

Jamie said...

I can't believe I almost missed your giveaway! I love all of it but, I choose "B"! Thanks!

AndreaLeigh said...

i can't remember if I've commented so I will try again. so many great choices, but I think I would go for the monogrammed burlap.

Becky Seymour said...

Option B
Custom made chalk board

will go great in my preschool room


E said...

I would love Prize's so cool!!

Greg and Melissa said...

I love choice A and your blog!

Netter said...

I've been lurking for quite some caught my attention with your suitcase stack...LOVE IT! Anyway, I love option C and would like to be entered for the Custom-made Monogram Plaque and the little chalkboard. Thank you for sharing all your lovely ideas with us.

Mrs Anne said...

Oh my goodness!!! the framed chalkboard is to die for! :)

love it all.

your talent is immeasurable!

Montay said...

I would love to enter the drawing I love that you are willing to put your ideas out there and let us all learn from you. I think I would choose the monogram in a D

I will have my fingers crossed until then

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