Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Tour Continues

The tour of the my daughter and son-in-law's apartment continues.To the right of the dining area is the kitchen. The metal cabinets were freshened up with a coat of bright white. A mirror was hung above the sink to make doing the dishes a bit more pleasurable. The mirror reflects the light and a pretty view too.
I found this vase at the thrift store.
It's a pretty way to store cooking utensils.
The little white cupboard was another freebie.
The bottom half is great for storage and the top shows off a few more accessories.

The bathroom is divided into two rooms. The first room houses the sink and mirror. Mirrors were hung on the door and in rows
on the wall across from the large mirror. They work great for seeing the back of your hairdo as well as brightening up the small space.
Here's another vase I found thrifting. It's hung just inside the door, above the sink.
Doesn't everyone enjoy seeing a pretty bouquet of flowers first thing in the morning while getting ready for the day?
Little lovelies adorn the counter.
Small apothecary jars filled with cotton balls and swabs.
hese beautiful accessories hang in a spot behind the door in the room with the tub and potty. You might remember my tutorial on how to make the knob hanger that's hanging below the picture. Originally it was made for hanging jewelry, but it will do a fabulous job as a towel holder. We decided to make something bigger and better for hanging her ever growing jewelry collection. I'll show you that project, as well as the two bedrooms, next time.


AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

You guys did such a great job with the apartment! I especially love that Craigslist couch and the wall color. It's so young and hip. Well done!

arah said...

um...can you come help with my tiny house.
You did a great job. I wish my house was as organized as their apartment. Hard to do with two kids. You gave me some ideas though, thanks!

Anonymous said...

love this series on your daughter's home. thanks for posting!

Sweet Tea said...

How much do I LOVE this apartment?
Let me count the ways. . .
I need to get off this darn computer and go clean my house.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a beautiful home they now have!!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

The apartment is turning out so cute. And on a budget too. Very inspiring.

Alissa said...

I an't wait for the jewlery hanger! I've never really been much of a necklace wearer until recently and now I don't know what to do with them all!

Kris Norman said...

The apartment is GORGEOUS! When can I move in? :) I'm so bad at finding good stuff at thrift stores.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the tour. Everything looks just fabulous!

Cottage Rose said...

What a very pretty and Chic home they have. I love the beautiful thrifty pretties you found... That bath room is just lovely... can't wait to see more...


Jen @ said...

So cute. I love that dining area. And the bar stools are so cool!


Alaskangal B said...

Fab, just fab. Their apartment is great, I love it! You could seriously do a side business and make money doing what you love. Helping other people who are not as creative as you are.

Richella Parham said...

I am LOVING your daughter's apartment! Could you tell us where you got the round mirrors hanging on the wall?

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I'm loving this tour. As a newlywed still setting up my first home, it's been fun to see how you both are decorating your daughter's apartment. I just love love love her dining table. I'm looking for a piece like that. Can't wait to see more!

Darlene said...

Every little detail looks so special and the apartment so GREAT!!

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