Monday, February 15, 2010

Excitment for Me and You

***The giveaway is now closed***

I was so excited when I opened my mailbox
to see a package inside addressed to me! Inside was this
pretty handmade necklace
Janelle at Sew Blessed made it for me.
Her shop is called Sodderbug
and she makes beautiful necklace pendants.

Aren't they awesome!!!

I love mine!I adore the monogram on vintage paper.
On the back is the definition of JOY.
I bet you want a Sodderbug pendant too. You can get one by visiting Janelle's shop and buying one. Or you can leave a comment on this post to enter to win a charming, handmade necklace.
Here's how you enter:
First, visit the Sodderbug site and look at the photo gallery.
Then come back here and leave a comment. Tell us which pendant you would choose---or suggest a new design that Janelle can make especially for you. You can enter a second time if you post about Janelle's Sodderbug site on your blog, Facebook or Twitter. The giveaway will run the entire week. The winner will be announced next Monday.



Kelly said...

I really like the simple monogram necklace. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

missyg said...

Cute! If I had to select my favorite I think I would have one with a picture of my boys and maybe their initials.

Rhonda said...

How cute. I like the 8inch X 1.2inch photo charms. Thanks for the chance!

Jenny said...

I would love to have one of these with a picture of my two kids in it! They are darling, and thanks for this great giveaway!

Lola said...

I would get a charm with a Bible verse on it.

Grandma said...

I would like a monogram with the dangly things hanging down. Cute Stuff! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

These are so simple yet lovely. I would love a monogram one with a picture of my grandchildren on the back. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.

Kristin said...

What a great giveaway! I love the monogram necklace.

rochelle said...

So cute! I love them. If I could choose one, it would be a monogram or one with my kids names and their picture.

Rosanne said...

These are so cute! If I won, I would chose one for my friend, whose little 11 month old precious baby girl passed away from a heart condition just 3 weeks ago. I would put her little girl's initials on the front and maybe a picture of her on the back. Then if I bought one for myself, i would but an H on the front (for my last name) and a quote about family on the back. Love them. Thanks for the chance to win. ;)

Unknown said...

She has some really cute styles. I really like a monogram one, like the one she sent you. I love that it's on vintage paper. Thanks for having the giveaway!


Just Us said...

I would pick one just like yours but put a picture of my husband and baby together! So cute!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Lots of ideas at the photo gallery! I do like the Believe one, but I love your monogram one and would probably want one of those for myself.

Breathing In Grace said...

I love yours the best...but with my initial, of course!!! Thanks for such a precious give-a-way!

Brenda said...

Wow! So pretty! I love them all!
I would love my kids picture or family picture.
They are all beautiful!

THE Princess Bombshell* said...

Definitely a picture of just my husband in mine!

Patricia said...

what a gorgeous pendant... the site is awesome too!!

i would like mine to read
thank you

Ashley Bray said...

I would love a pendant with a picture of my 3 boys, one is no longer with us. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I'd love a necklace w/ my word of the year!! Thanks Joy!

Ashley W. said...

I would have to get a square one with a picture of my daughter & husband together.

Red Door Home said...

Love these. I like the long rectangular pendant with the name on it.

Jennifer said...

I would love to have one with a picture of my mom on it. She passed away a few years ago. I even have the perfect picture of her. It is a black and white taken when she was a little girl. I look just like her.

vwestermeyer said...

I love the one with Mom on the back and a picture on the front ... I lost my mom six months ago and miss her so very much.

The Clarks said...

I love them! I would love one with a picture of my little boy in it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linh C. said...

Oh, I would get the monogram one with an L on it.

Missy in Texas said...

I like the square shaped ones. I would love a vintage picture of a bird and maybe a little bead charm or bird charm or something like that. The one with the Psalms verse has a cool bead charm on it. Very cute.

Wendy said...

How cute! I love fleur de leis or Monograms are always nice!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I like the monogram like yours. It's fabulous!!!

Eileen said...

I like the tree one!
matthfam at gmail dot com

Bombtastic Belle said...

I liek he simple monogram necklace and the one with the tree.

Valerie said...

There are a lot of great ideas! Probably the one I would choose is the tree OR I would create my own with a picture of me and my husband and something about love or family.

Tiff Hunt said...

I would love to have the photo one with a picture of my kiddos! I love to show them off!!!

Kathy said...

I like them all! I have 5 1/2 grandbabies, so it would be too hard to choose just one photo in that category. So I'd probably choose a simple monogram for myself. So pretty and so unique.

Cassie Bustamante said...

hands down i would choose a pendant with a picture of my kids. what better way to keep them close to my heart when we are apart?

Gigi said...

I would choose one with a picture of my brand new granddaughter on the front! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kasey said...

i like the monogram necklace! Great giveaway.

Sandy said...

I would like my monogram or faith on it. So cool! Congrats on yours!1

Lisa said...

My fav is the 2nd one that says believe. One that simply said "conpidence" would be good cause I was always telling my girls"I have conpidence in you."

You have to do it with the F

Victoria said...

Janelle has done a fabulous job with these necklaces! I love the monogram you received, as well as the one with the name (I think it has the name Cooper Hart on it).

Kristina said...

I would definitely go for the one with the lovely!

Carolyn said...

I have to say I like your monogram the best, but I would also like one with a fleur-de-lis or a pewter heart.

Angie said...

Beautiful pendants! I would love a picture of my kiddos in one with their birthstones hanging from it. I would wear it all the time!

Hugs ~ Angie

Kristi said...

Thank goodness she doesn't have 100 of these; there would be no way I could choose. I had a hard enough time with the ones she has. I think I would want a monogram one.
Thanks for the giveaway,

Kim said...

She has a lot of very cute charms but I think I like your monogram the very best.

The Chisholms said...

I like the tree silhouette necklace! These are beautiful!

Helen said...

I love the "Believe" necklace, but I would have it say "Choose Joy".

Lady Dorothy said...

I like the ones with something dangling under the main charm -- like the "Believe" one. Very nice.

Leanne said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I love the monogram. Her work is beautiful.

pududdy said...

I just adore the pendants with the kids pictures. What an original idea. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

Cheryl said...

I love your blog!

Reid said...

I love the monogram necklace! But, all are wonderful!!!

Rudy said...

I like the ones with hearts. I'd really love one that said "Faith". very cute

Emily said...

I think it is met to be that I win this one, because I went to the photo gallery and there is a necklace with my exact initials (monogram) for my full name, that can't be a coincidence, can it? Love her jewelry!!!

Andrea said...

What charming, and unique pendants! I adore the monogram she sent you (of course mine would have to be an A...LOL). Thanks for the chance to win one of my very own!

Kallee Anne said...

I LOVE the one with the tree. What beautiful jewelry it is.

April Z said...

The necklaces are all adorable! I might get one with a picture of my 2 boys to give my mom for her birthday coming up.

trooppetrie said...

honest i like the one with my initials and maybe a bible verse.

misskp said...

sooo cute! I looked at the gallery, but like your vintage monogram the best! I'd love one with my initial on it! Thanks for sharing such a great giveaway with us!


Anonymous said...

These are so cute! Love the one with the kids and the quote on the back (in her great idea section). Just perfect!

Meghan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meghan said...

I would choose a rectangle with a picture of my 3 beautiful kids and a W on the back.

jaesi said...

These necklaces are beautiful. Id be happy with any of them.

Dianna F said...

Love Pinkalicious for my granddaughter!

Bon said...

Super beautiful! I would be lucky to win any of them!

Anonymous said...

Would have to agree with the masses and vote for one with a monogram on it~

Carol said...

What creative pendants! I love the o one with the tree, not sure what it's called. It reminds me of my runs in the mountains! Great giveaway!

Carol said...

I posted it on facebook!

Anonymous said...

I love the necklace with the tree photo. Simply beautiful.

Annette said...

I would love one of the picture pendants.

Laura said...

I like the tree photo pendent. It is beautiful!

Gayle said...

I like the heart - it's a timeless image and has so much meaning - in other words - it's not just for Valentine's Day! And I especially like the ones she's done with a zig zag edge on the solder.

Ashlee said...

Ooh, this would be a wonderful gift for my little sister who is going on her mission in March. She absolutely loves the story of the tree of life and is always looking for things with trees. I would pick the lovely skinny tree pendant. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Tarnished Rose said...

I love the pendants, but I would like to see one done in vintage (or other) lace. I love those.


Maureen said...

I would love to have one with my Mom's photo.
Wonderful pieces.

~ Regan said...

Ooh, I love the one with the tree, and also the one with the vintage monogram (pictured). I would choose and 'M' for the letter, if I could... What an awesome giveaway, Janelle- you've got some talent! :)

Andrea said...

these are tooo stinking cute!!!!! I love to put a picture of my precious girls and their initials.... mspiggy381 at hotmail dot com

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I like the monograms but we love one with a Fleur De Lis.
Great giveaway.

Raye Marie said...

So pretty! I love the monogram style. Thanks for the great giveaway and for such an inspiring blog!

tw said...

I like the simple monogram - but it's a hard choice as they are all so cute!

Kristine said...

My daughter would LOVE the pinkalicious or Cinderella pendant!

Daphne said...

The charms are great! Some are cute and others are more elegant. The picture of the tree in b&w is pretty. I would like to put a b&w pic I made of an angel on one side and a bible verse on the other. Thanks for giving us the chance to win!

Daphne said...

The charms are great! Some are cute and others are beautiful. I love the one with the b&w tree. I have a picture I took of a b&w angel; to have that on one side and a bible verse on the other would be my pick. Thanks for the chance to win one of your works of art!

Unknown said...

Normally I don't care for things featured on giveaways, but these are lovely...I would like one that says Be you mentioned in one of your postings...for my charm bracelet.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

I love what she's done. How about a bee skep with bees? Hmmmm....wonder where that idea came from....

Rhona said...

I would like to design something to represent the incredible relationship between my husband and I. B+R=True Love

emilyem said...

I love the monogrammed one too!

emilyem said...

I love the monogrammed one too!

Ginny said...

I love the blog buttons, what a fun way to share your site!

Ginny said...

I tweeted the site ~ momof2dancers

Pattie F. said...

I really like the monogram style. Very pretty! ~ Pattie

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