Monday, January 19, 2009

Inventory By Heart

My daughter called today from across the country. She was so excited because she and her husband had finally found a dollar store. While standing in the store, she asked what she should buy to decorate her little apartment for Valentine's day.

Is it strange that I knew the inventory of the dollar store (even miles and miles away) and, without hesitation, I could rattle off a list of dollar goodies she should get?!?!

These were one of the items I told her to buy. In fact, I suggested she buy a few bags.
Did you happen to pick any up on your recent trip to the dollar store?
According to the packaging they're "Great accents for floral arrangements & many other decorative uses."
Here's some decorative uses that I thought of.
Simply remove the picks.Then use the sweet hearts for fillers in glassware,
and scatter the rest around you're existing decorations.
How cute and easy is that?!?


  1. So sweet. You sound just like my mom and I on the phone. We live 1200 miles apart and "shop together" all the time :).

  2. What a great idea....I need to stop at one tomorrow..I love it!
    -sandy toe

  3. That's so sweet that your daughter called to ask about that from so far away! You've raised her right! Love the little hearts by the way!

  4. I love this idea! I love Dollar General and the Dollar Tree - great for holiday do-dads!

  5. Yep I bought some a few bags actually. I thought the same thing.

  6. Wow, seriously, I am RIGHT in the middle of doing a project with those VERY.SAME.CUTE.PICKS!! I just stopped by the store about 30 minutes ago to pick up 4 more packages, lol. I made a cute project with them the other day, but I thought of another one, so I needed more. Well, you'll just have to check in later to see what I did with mine. :)

  7. I just found your blog. Love the recap of 2008. Thanks for sharing.

  8. You are one clever lady! Really enjoy your blog, so many great ideas.

  9. Uhhh...brilliant!! I was JUST there today staring at those, thinking I didn't need them. Now I do!! I'm going back tomorrow. Great idea.

  10. I bought the red hearts like these last week. They are in a vase I bought at a thrift store. : )

  11. Cute, cute, cute! Love the dollar store at holiday time. And like your daughter, I finally found one by me a couple months ago. Yay!

  12. Fantastic idea - I was on a mad hunt for v-day fillers and this is the answer. Hope my dollar store has them

  13. What a cute idea!! I was just at the dollar store Saturday. I went to look for the little boards to make your hanging chalkboard idea.
    Unfortunatly, I didn't have much luck finding them.

    Oh well, now I guess I will just have to go back and see if they have the hearts picks. LOL!!

    Thanks again for the ideas!!

    Hugs, Carrie♥

  14. Very cute! I would have not thought of removing the little pics!

  15. You could definitely use the heart-shaped styrofoam for a bunch of other projects, too. How about a heart wreath? Or cover the hearts with a wrapping of yarn or thread?

  16. I am KICKING myself right now! I just was at Dollar Tree this weekend and pondered those...and then skipped them! Argh!

    ~ Sarah

  17. Wow- those do look very cute. I was not impressed with the hearts on the sticks, but off the sticks and in the bowls they are very cute.

  18. Love these. My dollar tree does not usually have all of the stuff that yours does. But I wondered into one in the next town that does and I will be going there to get these cute little hearts. I am thinking they would be great in my apothecary jar.

  19. You girl is sooo lucky to have you...and now she is lucky to have a Dollar Tree! She will have such fun. I love your sweet vignette. cherry

  20. Hello...

    I love the Dollar Stores..hehe!!! Love those cute little pink hearts and what a great idea...thanks so much for sharing!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  21. I too bought 2 bags of those exact hearts! AND the pink champagne flutes with hearts in the stem! Super fun!

  22. Cute! How funny...I bought 4 bags of these today and did the same thing with them. They make such a cute filler.

  23. Hello there! I am an avid reader of your blog! I really admire your ecclectic idead and thrift store taste. It has been just the change I have been searching for. I wanted to drop you a note, and let you know that you were inspiration for my holiday redecorating project today! I would love for you to go check it out on my blog, the post it titled "Bath time, Before & After, and our Holiday weekend",and tell me what you think and any ideas you might have to make it better or more 'ecclectic' and creative! Thanks a ton for your inspiration!

  24. I bought these and used them on my Daughter's birthday cake! She loved them!! ;)

    I'm almost done with my new door for my TV hutch I can't wait to show it off. Your door projects made me go aha!! And well I've been paint stripping ever since. :)

  25. OOO Love that idea-thanks for that post!!! ~Smiles~Tam!

  26. I adore your love of the dollar store. I was having dollar store withdrawal until my friend took me to the 1 Euro store! I had no idea they did that in Europe too! Huzzah! Now I'm going to have to go see what I can find for V-Day. Your idea is adorable.

  27. They're cute...

    But they make me nervous near the candle? They aren't going to combust and burn the house down if they catch fire in that candle jar are they????

    Jenny, cautious decorator

  28. As soon as I saw this post I went to the dollar store and did this project! My husband is a grad student and we don't have lots of money, but I am always looking for inexpensive ways to make my apartment fun for the holidays! Thanks for the idea!

  29. Very cute, very easy, I bet your daughter was super pumped to hear this awesome idea of yours!!!

  30. I bought some hearts today - - yay!! And, I went thrift store shopping. I grabbed a cute Valentine's sign for 1.99 & a rainbow mug for my oldest daughter. Since reading your site, I've been really reinspired to get myself going on projects again. My youngest daughter is 6 mos and I'm gradually getting back in the swing of ME. I forgot how much fun I had doing thrift store revamps and decorating. You've really given me lots of eye candy and determination to get off my duff and have some fun! Thanks!! Have a blessed day!

  31. Just stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago, and I just love it! Thanks so much for such yummy eye candy and fun inspiration.

    I just had to post on this entry about the heart picks from Dollar Tree. It's sooo funny! I was at the store just last night filling my basket with all sorts of cute, cheap V day items, and my most fave were those picks. I bought 8 packs - 4 red, 4 pink, not yet knowing what I was going to do with them. Maybe add little glittery banners to them or something. But I just love your simple idea of stripping them of their sticks and just "tossing" them around.

    I look forward to more great ideas from you!
    Carla in Delaware

  32. omg! I totally did that with the hearts last year and put them in an apothecary jar!
    I love those glittery hearts! I have one package that was a shade darker pink, too!

  33. Joy,
    I absolutely just adore your site.
    You have such amazing ideas and I must confess, I too LOVE to spray paint everything black. Well, almost everything. Thanks for having such an incredible blog!


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!