Monday, January 26, 2009

The Scale of Just This

If you've read my blog at all, you know that I enjoy thrift shopping. I love the thrill of the hunt as well as finding a good bargain! But I know, that for me, this is an addictive behavior, so I try to keep my addiction to a minimum by just this one bargain shopping outlet. I don't shop the classifieds, on-line auctions, or even garage sales. Because I limit myself, it's a bit more difficult to find that certain little treasure I may be looking for.
I've wanted a vintage kitchen scale for several months. During that time I've only seen one at the thrift someone else's hands. So it was time to do a little "networking." Fortunately, I have a friend who enjoys going to estate auctions!
I asked my friend to look for just this one little item. Last week I got a phone call telling me that my treasure had been found! It needs a little cleaning, but I love it.
I highly recommend networking when it comes to finding the little "just this" you're looking for. I also recommend that you keep your wish list to just this one or two items, and that you make it clear that you are willing to pay up to just this amount of money. You don't want to take advantage of your friend. You may even choose to offer your friend a finder's fee to help motivate them to search for your treasure, although for most people the thrill of the hunt is payment enough.
Next time you are on the search for just this one item to complete (or start) your collection, why don't you give networking a try.


  1. Love the scale I have been lurking for awhile but could not pass up a chance to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. ANd well I so want that scale!!!

  2. Love that scale and your post. I think we all need to take a step back in want we want vs. what we need. It is so easy to find a great bargain only to realize the thrill of the hunt overtook the fact that you really didn't need it. Forethought is everything. I also love the oops paint rack. Great colors can be found or mixed at home with these paints and they don't go to waste. Have a great week, Pam

  3. Oh that scale makes my ♥ go pitter pat! Love everything about it. I have a vintage one in a yellowish color. And a great big huge one that belonged to my Grandparents grocery store (they used it in the produce section). One of these day's I'll have to post them. Sadly we no longer have a thrift store in out little town. So it's either yard sales or traveling for me.

  4. I love reading your blog and just had to comment--I recently found a similar scale at Goodwill (Precision postal scale) and am wondering how you clean the rust off. Thanks!

  5. On Jan. 1st, I thought long and hard about JUST what I wanted to look for this year when I was out and about. So, far I've been able to stick to my list. No more buying, JUST for the sake of buying. Good post. Sally

  6. I really like that scale-that is something I also have been keeping an open eye out for...
    I also read your Oops! Paint Post-I will broaden my thinking-Thank you for the great advice and pictures!

  7. Very nice scale. Clean it up? I hope you don't mean remove all the rust?
    Those hershey kisses weigh less than a pound! But I bet if I ate them they would make me gain 2!
    I will need to network to find a jar for my butter churn I found "dumpster diving".

  8. Love, love that scale! Does it still work? (I mean give an accurate reading)

    Thank you very much for advice on my blog. I really appreciate it! (re:stain or painted trim)

  9. Your post today is so funny, because I've wanted an antique kitchen scale forever and Saturday I found two! I really only wanted one but the seller had two and insisted I had to take both or none at all. I don't know what was up with that, but he only wanted $20.00 for both so I didn't argue!

  10. I love that scale and your blog. I completely understand what you mean about the hunt. When I find something I've been searching for, it feels like Christmas. So Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Love your scale...I had one right under my nose, parents home, but thought ewe...Well guess who help me see the good in that ewe...Blogger. I saw so many of these and they looked so cute so I grabed it from the storage bin to add to my kitchen.

  12. Your scale is GREAT and kudos to you for "just" shopping for certain things. I tend to occasionally get in a "frenzy" of buying things I really don't need just want, want, WANT! I am working on that this year.

  13. I'm glad you found your "just this" thing. I love connections. They get you far in life!!

  14. MY mom gave me a vintage scale for Christmas! I need good ideas of what to do with it!!!

  15. My networking involves asking my mom to hunt for me. She has the time to hunt at all the thrift stores and I don't since I work all day. It works out really well. The best part is that unless it's something really expensive, she usually just gives it to me for free! Moms are great. :)

  16. You have such a healthy attitude. It's great. I love that scale too. It's such a fun and unique find!

  17. I've always wondered how you limit your treasures...your technique is a fabulous idea!

    I have a vintage scale in my kitchen, too, and I love it.

  18. It's so cute I know you are so excited to have it....Barb

  19. My mom has that scale! And she has a really cool little egg scale that I adore. Some day I want one too. Good thing for friends who look out for random wants!

  20. Such an adorable looking scale. I love it. My mom used to have a baby scale back in the 70's. I might have to go look through her barn to see if she still has it.

  21. I totally agree with you. We need to limit ourselves and we need to network and help each other out!

  22. You know I love it! They are soo much fun to use to display and lift things up. I am warning you though..once you have want one for practically every room in the house. cherry

  23. Joy, I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I have only had a blog for 2 weeks, but I have read alot of them before and since I started mine. Yours is by far THE MOST informative blog I have seen. I absolutely love your ideas and hope you dont mind that I will be borrowing several of them. I cant wait to come back again and again, and I would love to have you visit me! Thanks so much for sharing your creative ideas! Sue

  24. Thank you so much for all the fun Idea's. I can't wait for February to see all the HEART things you come up with. I am really getting into the dollar store, and now love the thrift store near my home. I bought a couple of old frames to put stitcheries in... YEAY... I found a couple of other really cool things. I am starting my addiction to all of this....AHHHHHH!!!

  25. I had a beautiful scale, in great condition. Got rid of it. I don't know what sort of craziness came over me about a year or so ago. I got a bug to get rid of some of my treasures. I got rid of way more than I should have. Now, I am so upset over it. Especially, my hoosier. I loved that piece. Also got rid of a beautiful pie safe, and an antique sewing machine in a table. Just plain idiocy, I tell you!!

  26. It's always helpful to have a friend help. Love your scale. Mimi

  27. Great scale! So wonderful that your friend found it for you! And good tip on networking! Hope your week is an awesome one!~Smiles~Tam!

  28. So glad you found one! I, too, have been looking high and low for a neat vintage kitchen scale. I hope I can find one !!

  29. Oh I want a Kitchen scale too! What a great find! And it's so cute as well!!!

  30. Oh I want a Kitchen scale too! What a great find! And it's so cute as well!!!

  31. I've been on the other end of "networking" - my friends knew that I garage-saled all the time and pretty soon everyone was asking me to look for this or that...I finally quit going quite so often and that stopped all the requests. Their requests I suspect came from just "not wanting to spend the time looking" rather than anything else.

    I received a scale like that from my daughter's father-in-law. He found it tucked into a storage unit he had and gave it away.

  32. A great find! Such a cute little item to use around the house! I found my antique scale at an antique store. It was 50% off from it's markdown price, so I paid only $15. Gotta love a good deal!

  33. What a good idea- I will enlist my friends to help me search for my needed treasures.


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