Monday, May 4, 2009

Architecture Adoration

Beautiful architecture fascinates me! I would love to live in a charming old building full of magnificent moldings, tin ceilings, and leaded glass. But I don't. So I do the next best thing. I put architecture in my home by adding moldings where ever possible, and collecting architectural pieces to use in my vignettes.I've been infatuated with corbels for some time now. A corbel is a bracket generally used to support a cornice or arch. I would love to find two gargantuan, old, chippy, crusty corbels! I would hang them under each end of the ceiling beam in my living room. I've searched for huge corbels, but they always cost much more than my pocketbook will allow. In the meantime, to help fuel my fascination, I pick up almost any corbel I can find at the thrift store.I was fortunate to find two more beauties recently. These are reproductions made from fiberglass. I'm not sure if I'll keep them this color, but I'll live with them a while before I decide if they need a makeover. Originally I bought just one because the other one was damaged. But when I got it home and figured a place to put two of them, another trip to the thrift store was made. Luckily I was able to repair the damage, and now my recently acquired corbels hang proudly in the hallway.
Aren't they beautiful?

***If you're in need of a beautiful Mother's day gift, Laryssa Herbert is offering 10% off your total order through May 11th, 2009.
All you will need to do is use the coupon code: MOTHER when checking out.


  1. yes; beautiful! I love the look of vaulted ceilings, and different architecture elements.

  2. We have the same tastes!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Thanks for letting your readers know about my Mother's Day sale!

    I really like all the detail in old homes too. They just don't make houses like they used to!

  4. Beautiful! I, too, love architectural detail, especially old windows!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  5. Oh, I just love corbels too & have been using them for many years myself. I added 2 resin ones in my DR door opening and have a few around the house too. Yours are so pretty, what a great score. I'm always on the lookout for more things like this too.

  6. I love moldings too. I once went to an antique store in Louisville, KY that had a basement full of pieces taken from places that were being torn down. If only I had the money to travel back and buy it all up!

  7. Love the corbels that you have! so nice! You can visit my blog too if you like! Its !! Thanks! audrey

  8. I love your style! Thanks for sharing!

  9. You know Im a fan of those too! Thats the first thing I look at while on vacation..old buildings. Looking...dreaming...what ever happened to great architecture? Now its how fast something can be built..not how good. Thanks for sharing your love of good things~

  10. You might want to check out a placce call George's Architechtural Salvage in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has the most awesome junk. His website is ENJOY!

  11. You, my dear, are an absolute angel! My project turned out exactly how I wanted... all because of you! I ended up doing what you said with the water based stain. I love the rustic look of my sideboard. I could not have done it without you! When I post the picture, I'll email you the link. Thank you so much for your wisdom and help.

  12. This is really gorgeous stuff-

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  14. It's very unique blog.
    Fantastic presentation and greate pictures.

    I like your blog.

    I would like to invite to join a green community, so we can reduce global warming. Please participate. Find the information here:

    Please share this information to your friends and family. Together. We Can.

    Thanks for your participation.
    Keep blogging.
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  15. I love the last picture. They look like they are supporting the whole ceiling all by their lonesomes. Long live the art of architecture!

    My best, Lynn

  16. I love decorative corbels! They add so much character to any room/home. I love your home it is very classy and pretty. Enjoyed the photos.


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