Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My daughter asked if I would make a monogram gift for a friend of hers. My life is crazy busy right now, so even though she requested that I make one made from burlap, I chose to do something a little less time consuming.I purchased a large wooden letter from the craft store and sprayed it black. Once dry I traced around it onto scrapbook paper. This letter is so large that it took two pieces so I matched up the two in the middle. I used spray adhesive to adhere the paper. Then I roughed up the edges and a few spots here and there with sandpaper. I rubbed the edges and sanded spots with a coordinating oil pastel, and then painted and quickly wiped off diluted brown craft paint around the edges to give it the charm of age. I sealed it with Mod Podge and then finished it off by gluing on some scrapbook brad heads where the two papers meet. I hope that both my daughter and her friend like it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They are both going to love it. Love the brads in the middle.

  3. They sure will! It is really cute.

  4. Beautiful! I love what you did!

  5. That is so pretty! Thank you for sharing!

  6. OF COURSE they'll like it! Your ideas are so very cool. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. I love the monogram. I am sure your daughter's friend will love it.

  8. One of my grands and I made some of these and they really turned out cute.
    We did a P E A C E for her room in all different colors and patterns of the paper...I made a X O X in black and white, different patterns and it also turned out so cute.
    hugs, bj

  9. I love it! And the brad heads add just the right touch! Beautiful!

  10. That was quick? It looks like you put a lot of time into it. You always put heart so that is why I think no matter what type of project you do it turns out so well.

  11. I have recently fallen in love with mod podge. Visit my blog to see my latest creation!!!

  12. Well I love it! Since my last name starts with a "W", I see the potential of flipping it upside down, of course! : ) Great work!

  13. Wow, I love it! What a wonderful gift! I'll be linking.


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