Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On A Silver Roll

Since I am on a roll of sharing ideas
for displaying silverware,
I thought I'd share another.
I found this little spoon at the thrift store.
As you can see, it has an initial "J" on the handle.
I knew that with a little work it would make
the perfect pendant.

My hubby cut the spoon using a hack saw,
then filed the cut edge smooth.
Next he used pliers to turn the cut end under.
I simply strung a chain through the opening
and now I have
a unique monogram necklace
***For a bonus silverware idea,
go to this past post


  1. Very very cute! I've always wanted to try to make jewelry from silverware! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Oh my. I love all your beautiful ideas of displaying silver! I just love the way you've kept the past alive by displaying old relics in a new modern way.

  3. That's a great idea! I have an "S" spoon like that, & I'll have to try this out! :)

  4. i have an ankle bracelet made out of an old silver spoon. The bowl part of the spoon was cut off, similar to yours, and a silver chain and clasp were attached to each end. i just love it!

  5. Joy - I emailed you some ideas of what you can do with the other half of your spoon!

  6. Wonderful ideas!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. My key chain has a fob on it that is the end of an old spoon - looks just like that! Love it!

  8. I have been loving all your silverware posts, you have great ideas :)

  9. Now that's a fabulous idea. I have some silverware that was my grandmother's......gottta go whack a bit off of it.....


  10. I LOVE this idea. Mind if I try it myself?

  11. I LOVE that! If you find an A or E or maybe even an L spoon, let me know!


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