Thursday, May 14, 2009

Taking It For Granite

Did you notice my kitchen counter tops
when I posted this picture?Did you think we paid the "big bucks"
to have
solid granite counters installed?
We did not.
Hubby and I installed the counter tops ourselves.
We did the back splash too. We used granite tiles. We just laid them as close together as possible
and then filled in the tiny gaps with unsanded grout.
Unless you look really close, you can't tell
the difference between solid granite and tiles.
But our pocket book could tell.
And if you're wondering about the bull-nose trim.
I bought it from the thrift store.
Three dollars for a box filled
with enough to do our entire kitchen.


Dawn said...

That looks great! I'm looking for new countertops as well, I may have to look into the granite tiles!

Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

"Blossom" said...

A girl after my own heart; this looks so wonderful and you can not tell the difference. I have a post that I just got finished with for my Sunday Shopping Secrets ( will be posted on Friday this week). Please link up so we can show all the other bloggers what you have done. This is right up my alley.
Looks georgous.

Kim said...

Woweee! I love a girl who knows how to spot a bargain! Looks awesome Joy.

Kate The Great said...

Wow, those counter tops are beautiful! When can you come to my house with your amazing decorative touch!

Lynn Kellan said...

What a great way to re-do your kitchen! Looks beautiful!

Elaine said...

GET out! Are you serious? WOW! I think someone needs to come over and visit me in Lake Forest Park and help me scout out some super deals like that!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is a great idea-we go back and forth about granite, and I like this idea much better-

Rainy Day Farm said...

Great job! It looks beautful and saves tons of money! Way to be frugal!

Andi said...

That black and white is beautiful! I have seen many a granite counter tops and this is the most beautiful I have seen! You two did a great job! Hooray for you, girl! Andi

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Looks great! I hadn't even thought of that for my kitchen, but that's something I could actually AFFORD and DO MYSELF! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love how your countertops look. I never would have guessed they were tiles. How much cheaper are tiles than regular full granite counters?

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

I did notice your countertops! Thank you for these great money saving secrets!!! Ummmhummmm. What kind of a thrif store did you find bull-nose at? I can hardly wait to go have a look at some stores now! Have a good one Joy and Thanks again!♥

Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

It looks absolutely beautiful! You guys did a GREAT job!

Kasey said...

Great idea. I'll keep this in mind when we are ready to re do our kitchen. You always have clever titles to your posts by the way!!

Georgia Girl said...

Love it! Loving all the silver you have I am on the hunt for silver myself!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! I never would have guessed. Did you install the tiles on top of a laminate counter-top, or did you start from scratch?

Anonymous said...

Great job! I would neve have known it was granite tiles. "Granite" you a super-duper fixer-upper!


Victoria said...

Wow, you are right! I would have never known it was tiles. How cool.

Anonymous said...

Those look awesome! at first I thought it was a toile print! LOL!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I am LOVING this! Looks so good! Ihave been wanting new countertops FOREVER! Thought about painting the laminate we have, but THIS is totally doable and affordable!

Thanks for Sharing it!!!

Lou CInda :)

DESJ and Company said...

So here's my question-how did you do the front edges? Did you cut the tiles and just butt them up at a 90 degree angle?

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

Awesome!! Those edge peices are an amazing deal!! I love thrift store sweets like that!

Holly said...

What a fantastic job you guys did!! It looks so chic!!

I am loving your apothecary jar post below as well. All very inspiring. :)

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

All of your silverware postings have inspired me to stick a bunch of mine in one of my apothecary jars. Thanks for all of the creative inspiration. I love visiting your blog.

Mimi from Peachy Papaya said...

This is such an awesome idea. i might try it cause I can;t afford to redo my counter top.... LOVE IT...

What did you do with the edges?

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