Monday, June 1, 2009

Gimme A Break

I'm taking a little blog break.
I'll be near here againhelping my daughter and son-in-law
paint and decorate their new apartment.

Then I return just in time to be
a proud momma sitting in the audience
watching son number three
graduate from high school!

I'll share before and after pictures
of the apartment in a week or so.

I'll be thinking of you!


  1. Have a great break....see ya soon!

  2. Is that an Eagle Scout? Congratulations!

  3. Have a nice break, everyone needs one now and then.

  4. Congratulations to your son. Have a nice break, we will be here when you return.

  5. Have a wonderfully creative time which results in fantastic memories.

  6. Congrat's to the Graduate, and his Mom! We miss you, but hope you continue to have a great time away!

  7. On Friday I'll be in that general area too!
    And you have an Eagle Scout? Impressive! Indy is a Tiger Cub (soon to be a Wolf Cub!) and already aspires to be an Eagle. Good for your boy!

  8. check out the frames i am selling on my blog!!!


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!