Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Perfect Day

In almost a year and a half of blogging I have shared several DIY projects, lots of thrift store goodies, and numerous photos of the decor in my home. So that might lead you to believe that a perfect day for me would be when I've made something wonderful, or purchased an awesome thrift store find, or have my home or yard decorated to perfection.
But that's not the case.
An example of my idea of a perfect day happened last weekend. Son #2 got a wild idea to jump on a motorcycle and ride it in our backyard. Within seconds son #3 was on another motorcycle and both were circling the yard making a large figure eight track while #4 son ran around shooting them both with a nerf gun. Of course, I grabbed the movie camera to document the fun. No, I wasn't concerned that their antics would ruin my beautiful yard. As my hubby has said for years, "We're raising sons, not grass."
So you see, although I post a lot of pretty things on this blog, those really aren't the things that matter most to me.
I make my home and yard pretty for one purpose only, so that my family will have beautiful places to make wonderful lifetime memories.


  1. I love the way you think! I have two boys so far, 2 1/2 year old twins (so I have a ways to go before they are riding motorcycles!), but I am going to start repeating to myself now "We're raising sons, not grass". So much more important!!

  2. Your yard is gorgeous! I know that is not the point of your post (and I do get the point LOL), but apparently I have not noticed your yard before and I'm amazed!

    If you have other pics you could share, I'd love to see.

    Good job!


  3. These are beautiful thoughts. I love your husbands saying. So true!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. I'm with Katie, I love the way you think! And you’re right of course. "it will grow back", because we are raising children not grass! (there is a motorcycle revving out in my driveway even as I'm typing) LOL :-D ♥ Lewaina

  5. Thanks for sharing, and reminding us what is important in life!
    Love your yard, your husband sounds wonderful!
    Have a great day!

  6. SO TRUE! Duncan helped me to plant my salvia yesterday....he broke several stems getting them out of pots. I had a moment of "oh no" then i remembered that I won't miss those few blooms this summer, but every time the y bloom from now to eternity I will know my boy helped to plant them.

  7. oh, now that's too funny. love the way u thinnk.

  8. What a lovely garden you have! And you're exactly right, all of our efforts should be done for love of family and to enhance family memories!! Glad you made some new memories the other day :)!

  9. What powerful insite!! Such a Christ like way to look at the world!!

  10. What a great attitude! I will have to remember that way of looking at things.

  11. You and your hubby are so right! It is easy to get frustrated by the constant mess that little ones make and that your (or in this case, MY) home isn't picture perfect like the magazines. It is times like what you described that are what life is all about. Thanks so much for the re-focus!

  12. I need to write you husband's saying down so I can remember it when we have kids! A great way of thinking :o)

  13. In fifty years from now your sons will have a cherished memory of "remember that day we rode motorcycles in the back yard while being shot at, ya, mom was so cool to let us do that" they will not remember that the flower beds were immaculate or that the grass was lush and weed free.

    You are so blessed because you recognize what is truely important in life.

    Thanks for sharing your perfect day with us.

    Hugs to Ya,

  14. I do not have children yet, but we are in the process of getting custody, well guardianship of my 3 younger siblings (12,10 &9). Which is why have been absent on so many wonderful blogs, and postings of my own for pretty much all of July. It is nice to be back in the swing of bloggy land. Thank you, because I will make sure I inform my husband of your good advice. Well your husbands...=)

  15. Love this message. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!