Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Cover Up

Did you see the window
in my downstairs bathroom?
Yes. I know. It's hideously ugly.
One reason---it's the cheap aluminum clad, original to the house.
The second---it's a ground-level window that gets hit continually with sprinkler water.
For the past several years I've used shutters to cover it. They were a pretty solution to an ugly problem. But because we have neighbor children who find it amusing to peer into our ground-level windows, the shutters were always closed making the room very dark.
I've come up with a better cover up.
It involves MDF, PVC, and burlap.
Are you curious?
I'll give you the how to's tomorrow.


  1. Ooooh, can't wait. I'm so in love with burlap right now. Yes, I realize i am a little behind on that wagon. But ever since I saw your table runners, I've been a total fan. I'd like to cover my entire house in burlap!! :)

    So interested to see what you did, b/c I have a kitchen window problem that needs fixing. I have already purchased the burlap, just haven't done anything with it yet.

  2. I can't wait to find out what fabulous window covering you come up with!!!

  3. ACK! How mean to leave me hangin' like that!

    Can't wait to see...I too have ugly, house original aluminum windows!

  4. I love burlap! I bet this is going to be fabulous!! Can't wait to see

  5. I am always curious. Does it involve spray paint Ü?

  6. What on earth! Can't wait to see what you do.

  7. I won't be able to sleep tonight!

    BTW - I went to Savers on 7200 South yesterday - haven't been there for at least six months and was floored by how much they've expanded and cleaned it up - very nice!

  8. Hi I just happen to stumble across your site and I am really enjoying it, although I would like to know what ever became of the so called ugly window and what you did with the pvc, burlap, mdf???? Enjoy your day!


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!