Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Growing Inspiration

Oh how I would love to incorporate some of these ideas from the Botanic Gardens in DC.Huge pots packed with plants and flowers. Don't you adore the overflowing potato vines.
I would really enjoy having a large rosemary bush like this one.
I would loooove to have rows of boxwood bushes!
I'm already planning on planting rows of grasses similar to this.
Don't you think that this is an awesome way to grow tomatoes?
I wish I could find a spot to plant two shades of ground cover plants in long rows with a garden statue in the center.My very favorite idea was this checkerboard design made by alternating ground coverings and small, smooth black stones.
Isn't it beautiful!


  1. Each one of those pictures is beautiful!

  2. You're making me want to head to DC again to see all the wonderful stuff you're sharing! I swear you could spend an entire month there and still not see everything! I remember how taken I was with the floor tile designs in the Castle - they just don't do stuff like that anymore!

  3. Really pretty!

    Oh, and I'm having a Free Paint Party, feel free to check it out!

  4. On my blog at, I have a new post, "A Blog I Love." Which blog is listed there? Why, Joys of Home, of course! What a sisterhood. On my tiny island of Guam, I'm grateful to you all for your inspiration, comments and JOY (Jesus first, Yourself last, Others in between)!

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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!