Thursday, October 22, 2009

Adding and Adding

Sometimes I Just Can't Help Myself. I Have To Keep Adding And Adding Until It Feels Just Right!


  1. So i LOVE your fireplace mantel !! It looks great you have an amazing sense of style !! Im a fairly new follower to your blog and you give so much inspiration Thanks

  2. I have that compulsion too! LOL!

  3. Before, after, and all the in-betweens look great to me! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Im like that to and it drives my family crazy.
    I love your stuff!!

  5. It looks great Joy! I wish I had your ambition to keep adding! Once I am done, I am DONE!

  6. Yup ... Me too! We all seem to have that bug. I think you were the first to say it out loud though ..ha !!
    Love the mantle!

  7. O, girl...I do the same thing. Mine just doesn't look as good as yours. !! :)

  8. How pretty! I just adore your mantel and all of your lovely decor'.

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  9. Love seeing what you come up with! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great post. That is me decorating for Christmas, especially my tree. I have been known to re-do my tree on Christmas eve... Your mantel looks fantastic!

    Best wishes,

  11. I am guilty of the same...however you seem to know when it is time to STOP!! Sometimes I look and see way too much and I have to start from scratch...and then I...well, it is cyclical!! Love the dainty purse in the frame!

  12. Layer all you want, 'cause you've got it GOING on! I've looked over your archives, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all your stuff....

  13. oh would you please come decorate my house.. i just have no clue what to do you and you are sooooooooo talented!

  14. Your awesome...your additions really show off your sensational taste!!


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!