Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays

Do you remember the lyrics of the old song sung by the Carpenters, Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down? Well I think that I could very easily substitute those words with Stressful Days and Januarys Always Get Me Down.
Our family has experienced a bit of stress over the past few months. With the downturn in the economy, my husband was forced to close his business and find new employment. Our #3 son broke both of his legs. Fortunately he is healing well. But in a mere three weeks he will leave home to learn the Chinese language so that he can serve the Chinese people in New Zealand. Two weeks later our #2 son will leave for China to teach English there. I am excited for both of my sons. They will be experiencing things that I can only dream of. They will have adventures and their encounters will ad layers of character to their already wonderful personalities. But as a mother, their leaving tugs strongly at my heartstrings. Between the stress of lost and new jobs, broken bones, and leaving sons, I am more emotional than usual. Add to that the stress of the holidays, the heartache of dear friends who are having their share of hardships in life and the dreary, smoggy, ugly days of January and I find myself a bit downhearted. Which brings me to my last post.
I find that the older I get, the more I question the value of where I choose to spend my time and talents. I realize that while I asked you what direction I should go with my blog, the better question is, does my blog have value and purpose? After reading all of your beautifully uplifting comments I now know that my blog does have value and purpose, not only to me but also to you.
Thank you for not judging me. I did not write these last posts because I want your sympathy. Nor did I write because I have a goal of gaining more readers or receiving more comments. On the contrary. I wrote because I feel a sense of obligation, to myself and to you. I want my blog to serve a useful purpose. I do not want to be writing posts that leave you feeling inadequate or make you want to spend money on things you can't afford. I want my blog to be an instrument for good in your life and mine; a place for inspiration, motivation, beauty and fun.
I am humbled and honored and grateful to know that it serves this purpose. Thank you for your love and kindness, support and understanding. I am so happy that I can be here to serve you. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement and inspiration when I was letting those stressful days and January get me down.
I will be back tomorrow and for days to come with more to share.
Thank you again for your love and for taking the time to express your thoughts!


  1. I very much enjoy your blog and your thoughts...I am with you I live in a Very Gray area of the world, and January is VERY long, not to mention spring won't hit till May...So I just wanted to say Hang in there! You do spread joy...Thank you!

  2. Thank you for sharing with your readers. We can all identify with what is going on in your life-- the economy, health concerns, children, etc. That is what makes your blog so special. Hang in there and continue to share. You do make a difference!

  3. YOur blog does inspire me! You motivate me and help me! Thank you! We are praying for your family!

  4. I love reading your blog! Your decorating and projects inspire me to look for ways to fluff my nest.

    Smiles & Hugs,

  5. Similar feelings here. Job loss, sick friends, kids becoming adults and leaving and the dreary winter days. I come to your blog because you inspire and bring cheer. Don't feel that you are not doing something worthwhile. You are. Also, feel free to share your sorrows. We are all in this together, up and down, win or lose. It is good to know we aren't alone. Thanks.

  6. I wish this inversion would go away! Here's to wishing you happier days at your home!

  7. My son just left the first part of December for a mission for 2 years. I too have struggled with the challenges of deep pay cuts both for my husband and myself, mission costs, smoggy ugly inversion days in northern Utah, medical issues, and lack of sunlight. I come to your blog bz I find it interesting in all aspects. God bless your husband on his job search and you on both sons leaving. I'm just a click of the mouse away at my sewing blog if you ever need a friend who understands. Cindy

  8. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog. I check everyday to find what new post you have put up. I love to read them. I have the same yearly struggle with what I call January thoughts. The thoughts that are slightly more down and gray. This year I am trying to challenge them a little more and bring them up a little. You are wonderful and the Lord loves you!

  9. YAY! :o) i'm so grateful for your blog and for your spirit. Thank you, Joy. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Blessings on you and your family.

  10. I'm right here with you... I wish it would rain... this weather & smog & inversion is really getting to me-
    Hang in there!

    I wish I would've read your last post sooner!!!
    You are LOVEd- & would be terribly missed. I did a similar post & have been thinking the same thoughts--- holy moly- it's gotta be the january pressure. It's rough. Neighbor Jane Payne has a great post about january that will cheer you up. I'm going to go get a link & come back!


    here- I hope it helps!

    it helped me :)

  12. Just when you think you're going to break . . God's getting ready to put a big blessing on you! Hang in there . . . it only gets better. Faith is amazing, isn't it? Have a good day.

  13. I happened across your blog a couple weeks ago. I felt at home right away when I saw the picture of Christ and the quote from Elder Uchtdorf (what a wonderful talk that was). I am fairly new to the blogging world. It is so neat to me when I find other LDS sisters. Your ideas are so inspiring and wonderful! I find meaning and joy in your blog. Thank you for all you share with us!

  14. I can certainly understand why you feel stressed and emotional right now! You really have a lot on your plate at this time.
    We have 2 missionaries serving right now, and even though we feel like we are blessed twice as much, we miss them twice as much also.
    When ever I get feeling over-whelmed, my son reminds me that I should find joy in the journey and remember that I cannot have the testimony without the test. Keep smiling, and know that you are helping others find joy in the journey.

  15. Take the time to focus on your family. The blog will always be here, but your family only has a short amount of time to spend together before your boys leave the country. As much as I enjoy stalking your blog, I know family comes first. Thanks for sharing all of your great projects and ideas!

  16. I can understand why you're feeling stressed. I would be too. I enjoy reading your blog very much. I hope you can find a little cheer somewhere soon. :)

  17. Thanks for sharing your heart. you are one of the first blogs I read on a regular basis. I am hosting my first ever linky party and would love for you to link up one of your great a valuable ideas!

  18. You make peoples lives happier!! What a blessing and a gift!! Hey tell your friends I am doing a super fun ***GIVEAWAY**!! It makes the cold gray winter not so bad!!

  19. Thank you for sharing your...insecurities (for lack of better word). I always think I'm not nearly as good as the women on the blogs I read because I, for some reason, forget that they are also human. While it's sad that we have to feel the downs in life to appreciate the ups, it's nice to be reminded that we aren't the only one feeling this way.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us and I hope this year brings peace and happiness within your self and your family.

  20. :-)

    Wish I knew you in person! Love everything about your blog! It is one of my very favorites!

  21. Ugh, I can totally relate. This is always a tough time of the year for me. On top of that I have been hit with the flu bug. But then I watch the devastation in Haiti and I think to myself, girl, you have no worries. So you hang in there!

  22. Hang in there! You never know what joy is around the corner! God knows. Long before time began, He knew that you would be experiencing EXACTLY what you are at EXACTLY this moment.

  23. first time commenter but I've been enjoying your blog for some time. I have learned alot from your blog, as well as others, as I'm trying to educate myself on design and how to make a home lovely and inviting without spending a fortune.
    ((HUGS)) Hang in there. Sounds like this job situation/kids leaving or gone/ugly weather boat is pretty full!!

  24. I just want to tell you how you have been a life saver to my the last few months. Yes you have. I have been in deep depression and some days the only high point was reading your blog. I ould be disappointed when there wasn't a new post but would just go throughand read the old ones. You gave me hope, I would tell you not to change but to keep being yourself. I am sure I am not the only one whse life you have made better. I am sorry that things are not going the best for you and your family. Everyhing happens for a reason. I know that. We are not in charge, we need to look to the Fther, for He is in charge. My last thought for you is this: You get to CHOOSE everyday how you will react to things around you. You get to CHOOSE whether you will have a good day or bad day. It has taken me many, many years but I KOW this i true.

  25. Thank you for sharing your heart and feelings. What you do does matter, it matters to all of us that want to make our homes a welcome place for friends and family. Home no matter the size or place is so important.

  26. Hi Joy; I have always found such inspiration, laughs, ideas on decor. and just plain friendship... I am so happy to have you still here,, I have always questioned my blog as well, I think some of us do at times.. but I have met so many great friends I am so blessed to know them all and you....


  27. "I find that the older I get, the more I question the value of where I choose to spend my time and talents. I realize that while I asked you what direction I should go with my blog, the better question is, does my blog have value and purpose?"

    We get hit by these existentialist questions at times. Yes, you're blog is worth keeping and without much effort, documents your life now - the emotions and thoughts you feel. And we find that your blog is special enough to keep reading! so don't fret! :)

  28. been here just few times, im in love with ur blog.

    may i know more abt the re-piant of the cupboard?

    wt brands and colour u used?

    and is it difficult to use sandpaper to scratch afterwards to create the classic old look?


  29. I hope you know how much your blog has inspired me! Wow, I've learned so much from you. You are indeed needed and valued! :) ((HUGS))

  30. your blog always inspires me! sorry to hear about the job changes. It's such tough times and has affected everyone. One of my daughters has been laid off twice but hopefully now in a good position. My son is still looking for a job. I will keep your family in prayers.....keep on blogging, we love you!

  31. Gloria,
    Please mail me. I'd love to help but, I'm not sure which cupboard you're inspired by.

  32. I know how you feel...I call it the January glums. I love your blog & I always appreciate that you take the time to share your talents & insight with all of us.

  33. I say we all go in on a family vacation home in a place that rarely gets below 60 degrees so we can all fly south for the winter. I vote Florida, but will take other suggestions into consideration;)


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!