Friday, March 12, 2010

Budding Plans

It's a gorgeous day today!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I have plans to make my little corner of the world a bit more beautiful.
I'm going to plant these (once centerpieces) little pretties.Then I'm going to take some trimmings from my forsythia bushes and do this to their little ends, plop them in water, and bring them into my warm home so that
in a few days I can have a lovely display like this! It would make me so happy if your plans would include
clicking here to vote for Joys of Home.
Thank You
, so very, very much!


  1. wow I didn't know doing that would create such a beautiful green centerpiece! I voted for you and you are winning! Wohoo

  2. What memories the picture of your forsythia bring back....
    When I was a kid, we had a huge hedge of forsythia in our back yard. I called it "for-cynthia". Enjoy this glorious day.

  3. You are a very busy lady! Made me tired just thinking about doing all that stuff~haha!

  4. I loved you favors for the dinner. I need to come up with something for a dinner next January for about 400. If I start now...I mayb be ready! Any ideas? I think our theme is Unhendered.

  5. Hmmm, maybe I should go out gather some branches from my Forsythia. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Happy Monday to you!

  6. Just voted....You DESERVE to win!


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!