Friday, March 26, 2010

Budding Plans

I woke this morning to a Hollywood snowstorm. You know the kind where the flakes are so large and float down so gently that they seem too beautiful to be real? The storm was short lived and as I walked out to check the mail I got a glimpse of my forsythia bush abundant with buds ready to burst into bloom. Upon further inspection I noticed one little branch snuggled into the grass. The warmth of ground has caused it to blossom prematurely, becoming
a ray of hope of good things to come
I feel very much like that budding bush. I too am waiting for warm days. I have many craft and home improvement plans ready to burst from the cocoon of the doldrums of winter into the beauty and splendor of springtime projects.
I hope that you'll find it worth the wait.


  1. How beautiful! What a sweet promise of Spring! I'm having a Linky party tomorrow the Green Thumb Gardening party, I'd love for you to link this up! :)

  2. Me, too, Joy! I am still waiting for some things to bloom my way, although those neighbors who have magnolia trees seem to have blooms already. Shouldn't be long now!

  3. The promise of spring is always so exciting - walking around the yard looking to see what plants are getting ready to bloom. It is so exciting to see tulips and other bulbs poking through the ground after their winter sleep.

  4. Happy Spring! Where do you live? We got some of that storm today too, in Idaho.

  5. Yep, I am noticing new life sprouting as well. Exciting!

  6. Ah Spring - so near and yet so far! It has come and gone here in Virginia. I hope for you it comes soon and you get to enjoy it. Lovely post - thank you

  7. Love spring and happy our snow disappeared quickly. Crazy weather day.

  8. Right there with ya, Joy! So looking forward to warmer temps and spending hours in the gardens. Before we know it, we'll all be neglecting our blogs and tending our gardens!

    Thanks for sharing, and have a peaceful Sunday.


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!