Friday, March 5, 2010

A Little Nesting

This is the view outside my window this morning. Yes, old man winter has returned.
Fortunately before his arrival we had a few warm days which I tried to take full advantage of by bringing in a few signs of spring.
In my flower bed are two old cement urns that once belonged to my in-laws. I love to change these urns with the seasons. Recently I found two unusual wreaths at the thrift store for a dollar each. I placed them a top each urn and, luckily enough, pots from the nursery fit snug inside the center.

I like the way they resemble birds nests.
I planted pansies nestled amongst spanish moss.
And to finish out the display and give it height, I added
beautiful red branches a dear neighbor clipped for me.
Nests, pansies and branches---the perfect spring combination!

I am excited to announce
that this little blog has been
nominated for the
JDR Industry Blogger Awards!!!
I feel very humbled and honored
to be listed among a group of talented bloggers.
The winner receives $500.
Wow, I know a few projects I could finish with that kind of money!

I would truly appreciate it if you would go to
to vote for Joys of Home.
Thank you!!!


  1. Of course I'll vote for you! I am trying NOT to give in to the feelings of Spring fever that are starting to surface. Now that I live in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, it is far too soon to go there. But it's hard. We have been having such lovely sunny weather the past couple of weeks. And when I went shopping the other day, every store had their Spring stuff out. I am showing some severe restraint here. Quite proud of myself, really. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Congratulations - I am definitely voting for you. Love your blog.

  3. Congrats on the award nomination!
    I love the idea of putting the twig wreaths on top of the urns so they look like nests. I may have to try that in the future.

  4. Congrats and what an honor . . well deserved! I'll definitely place my vote for your blog. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Great idea, Joy! They look great and very Spring-like. Like you, we had snow showers this morning {again}, yet "they" are saying we will have 50 degrees on Sunday.

  6. You deserve this award...My talented bloggy friend...:)

    Stop in and enter my SIMPLE GIVEAWAY...Meme

  7. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for quite a while but have never commented before. I started my own blog this week and am really getting into it.
    I just voted for you, looks like you are winning by a landslide so far. You have ALL the votes! :)

  8. Old man winter is a meanie. Congrats on your blog nomination!!

  9. I adore cement urns, and love the way you decorated yours. Perfect for spring =)

  10. You got my vote and a big congratulations on being nominated! woohoo

  11. I love the cute and fun!

    Congrats on your award..well deserved!

    sandy toe

  12. I voted for you!! (You are winning so far!) I LOVE your urns! Those "birdnests" are the cutest.

  13. Your blog inspires me everyday so yes - you have my vote!
    The urns are gorgeous btw

  14. Voted for you. Good Luck!!! You're winning so far.

  15. I cast my vote for you! Looks like as of now, you're leading in the votes, Joy. Good luck!

    I just love how your urns came out. I can't believe you found those wreaths at a thrift store! They're fabulous.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. I submitted my vote for JoH! Well deserved award!

  17. I went and voted btw you are at you are WINNING so far. Good luck.


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!