Friday, March 19, 2010

Seeing The Full

Earlier in the week I met with a friend, a mother of three young boys. She asked me to help her with a few design dilemmas. We had just discussed what to hang on two of the three walls in an area in her home when she pointed to the third wall and asked what she should do. In an effort to teach her that often times in design it's nice to leave open spaces, a spot for the eye to rest, I blurted out the sentence, "You are so busy seeing the empty that you can't see the full." My friend looked at me quizzically, pausing as she gathered her thoughts, and then wittily replied, "Did you read that in a fortune cookie?!?" to which we both burst out laughing!
A few days later I met with another friend. I sat and listened as she related all of her problems, listing them one by one. Please do not misunderstand, I love my friend and have deep empathy for all that she is going through. She has her share of trials (as do we all) but she spends much of her day fretting about them. Again I wanted to blurt out the sentence, "You are so busy seeing the empty that you can't see the full!" I managed to hold my tongue, not wanting to offend, but our meeting has been on my mind in the days hence.
Posted on my bathroom mirror is scribbled a reminder:
Life Is Full!
I have it there to remind me that although life is full of trials, it is also full of blessings. It is up to me each day, each minute, each second to choose to see the "full of blessings" part of life. Some days it is very difficult to see, but still it is there.
Yes, life is very much like a roller coaster.
It has it's share of ups and downs.
It is up to us to make the choice to throw up our arms and



  1. Great Post! I am a new blog follower of yours. Your post reminded me of something I just read from Donald Miller about how commercialism affects our outlook on life and God. Read if interested.

  2. I love this post. I'm going to remember that little sentence.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Amen, great reminder! (One we ALL need!)

  4. There you go, Joy! You are right on, sister!!

    Enjoy a weekend full of the joy of the Lord.

  5. oh what a great post i needed today! thanks for this wisdom, and the reminder that our walls can be empty, excellent.

  6. I need to print this out and put it somewhere I can see and read it daily. Thanks for the reminder of how blessed I really am.

  7. Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder. I loved this post! I had an aha moment last week when I realized that the difference between a good day and a bad day was entirely my choice, not the events that occured in the day. We are so blessed. Thank you!

  8. Thanks you for the awesome reminder.. it fits so well with my chaotic life right now! Hope you and your family have a great weekend!

  9. You are so right. Sometimes we are so close, it's hard to see through it all. Back up and see God's goodness throughout our life. Yes.
    Hey, I have to same wall clock in my kitchen. fun.

  10. Thank you for the reminder, loved reading your post!

  11. Beautiful post and it's always nice to have a reminder. Life is full if we take time to see it.

  12. This is a wonderful post! I really needed this...Thank you!

  13. I also really needed this. Such a wonderful post! Thank you!

  14. Wonderful words of wisdom! I would love you to look at one of my digital creations (if you get a chance) which has the same message. Words to live by - and thank you for the reminder! XxX

  15. Your post is so true - Life in general is a choice! One cup is half empty another ones is half-full. I wonder what makes a person choose? Is it their up-bringing? Is it just their personaility? Interesting.........
    Thoughts to ponder..

  16. I need to be reminded of that on a daily asis lately! TY for sharing!

  17. What a great reminder! My hubby is in bed, my daughter not home yet and I have a quiet house to myself. And just the perfect thought to reflect upon. Thanks!!!

  18. Joy, I love this!!! I've been focusing on the joys in my life rather than dwelling on the negatives. Thank you!

  19. Truer words were never spoken. Pass the Puffs plus lotion, please. Bless you, my dear.

  20. Thanks for the great reminder! We all need it once in a while!

  21. Hello...
    Just happened upon you!
    Have a wonderful Sunday...xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

    Stop over when time permits...
    love to have you visit!

  22. That is so beautiful. Love your blog (just voted for you too!) Such an important message.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Thank you for this post. I'm going to share it with some loved ones!


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!