Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bowl-d Over

One of
my favorite thrift store treasures
is my huge, wooden, bread dough bowl.
I just happened to be at the right place at the right time when they brought out this little beauty. It was one of those finds that everyone in the store commented on when they spied it in my cart. That's when you know you have a real treasure!
I love every inch of the wear on this bowl. Even the large crack down the center makes it unique.
I adore the way it was repaired with nails and strips of metal.This bowl is in constant use at our house. It usually sits on the kitchen island or table. In the fall it's loaded with pumpkins and gourds. The rest of the year it's usually laden with fresh fruits.
I thought I'd give it a little vacation from it's usual kitchen duties.
I brought it into the living room and filled it full of glass floats and Christmas ornaments that I've gathered over the years on clearance and at thrift stores.

I think it's enjoying it's little vacation and so am I.


  1. I love your coffee table too and the suit cases in the back corner!!! I seen a wooden bowl at our local thrift store and thought what could I do with that? Now I know gone to get my bowl.....

  2. LOVE your stacked suitcases and the door table. SO COOL on the bowl snag. Thanx for sharing.

  3. I love it! You were truly blessed, those bowls can be very expensive.

  4. I love it's size and shape. Looks great on your coffee table!

  5. That looks just wonderful on the green coffee table!

  6. Beautiful, and I'm in love with your coffee table!!

  7. What a great fun find! :) Love those pieces that can be in use in different ways year round. You have a beautiful sense of style, and that bowl is perfect!

  8. I am DYING over your green door coffee table! Seriously! Tell the story about it...please!

  9. Love the bowl, love the room, think the coffee table is fantastic!

  10. Great idea...looks very summery...and yes, I see those coveted stack of suitcases....I just love this room!

  11. I love the bowl but love your table more!

  12. Lucky you!!! I've been on the hunt for a fabulous bowl just like your find!!!
    love what you added to it,

  13. That's reeeally pretty and it sits perfectly on your door table. The room looks wonderful.

  14. Wow, you were lucky to find this in a thrift store. They can be very expensive in antique stores. I love, love the suitcases stacked in the corner!

  15. It looks beautiful against the colour of your coffee table

  16. Wow Joy! That bowl/trencher is primitively perfect! What a treasure!

  17. That is a dream find!! I've been keeping my eyes open for one of those myself!! Lucky dog, you!

  18. Pretty! I love the glass balls in it. I've linked up to with photos of my dough bowl!

  19. Love the bowl, congrats on such a great find. I carve these bowls myself so it's always great to see how people use them. Check out my blog to see some of my work.


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