Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Simply Pleasurable

We recently had our annual neighborhood clean-up, a Saturday morning filled with yard work and getting to know neighbors as you work alongside and serve. While cutting down a patch of overgrowth in a new neighbor's yard I got a glimpse of a mound of fresh moss in the pile. My trash-to-treasure huntress instincts kicked in and I quickly scooped it up and set it aside. When work was done I carried my little nature find home and plopped it inside
a vintage tea cup
It's a pretty little reminder that
blessings come when you serve,
sometimes you just have to notice them.
I'm excited to share some news with you!
Joys of Home was recently listed among the Top 50
Blogs For Housekeeping Tips
. It's an honor to be found amidst a list of some incredible blogs!


  1. That is a perfect example of the blessings that come from service! Love the moss! Congratulations on your new venture! I look forward seeing your posts!

  2. Congratulations on these honors ...and very well deserved!

  3. How lovely! Thank you for the reminder to "keep our eyes open" and our imaginations sharp! Annie Joy

  4. Wonderful, Joy, congratulations! I love moss. I actually have some pop up in between my brick patio and my husband complains about it. I love it though and try to leave it there as along as possible.

  5. Very well deserved indeed! Congratulations and so look forward to your posts there. Our stake womens conference is coming up and the theme is Finding Joy in Life's Journey...thought of what an example you are of just that!

  6. WOW, this is fantastic! CONGRATS!!!

  7. Cute way to decorate with moss!


  8. Congratulations & Country Blessings!

  9. Congratulations! And how good for you to spot that moss, I bet everybody else would have just got rid of it. It looks so nice in that cup!

  10. I gave your beautiful blog a sunshine award. :)

    Please don't feel obligated to play along unless you want to.


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!