Thursday, September 23, 2010

Garden Delight

I want to thank you all
for your very warm and
welcoming comments
on my comeback post.
It's good to be back!

Summer days have come to an end but luckily
my vegetable garden is still in full production.
The tomato plants have filled the obelisks that we built.
I grew heirlooms this year and it makes me giddy
to see them ripening.
I've had so many tomatoes, zucchinis and summer squash
that I set up a table on my front porch
and asked my neighbors to come help themselves.
I am delighted to see so many pumpkins and gourdsof all colors, shapes and sizes growing in my garden. I'm sure this may seem strange to some,
but sometimes I think that my purpose
for growing a garden is more for the

I get from decorating with my harvest
than from the eating of it.
I suppose both serve a similar purpose;
one feeds the body, the other feeds the soul.


  1. What a wonderful garden. I totally agree that a garden feeds the body and the soul.

  2. So that last pumpkin pic!

  3. I am SO stinkin' jealous! Wish our water wasn't so darn expensive. I would LOVE a garden and fruitful and lovely as yours!

  4. All your pictures have me even more excited about fall!

  5. Wow, can I be your neighbor? Lucky neighbors!


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!