Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quite the Sight

It must have been quite the sight to see
the middle-aged woman
rolling a very heavy, snow covered stump through the empty lot,
across the street, and up onto her porch.
And even stranger
that she was wearing her husband's gloves and boots
and dressed in her son's trench coat (an old Halloween prop).
Yes, it must have been quite the sight.
But it was worth it!
Am I the only one
that does crazy things
for the sake of good design?


  1. i think thats awesome! and no... youre not crazy! This summer i hauled a HUGE piece of fence home from someones dumpster pile to make an americana flag with it!

  2. LOVE it!
    And Nooo you are not the only crazy one! This middle aged woman rolled two stumps from behind the barn.. up the hill to the house ...and little by little flipped them over and over to climb 7 steep steps...to rest on the deck outide the kitchen sliders...until she can tend to them and make them the legs of her new coffee table. (we live in a funky log home LOL)

    happy day!

  3. Nope, not crazy and not alone. It looks great!

  4. Don't feel lonesome...and it WAS worth it!!

  5. Well, obviously, you needed to provide elevation to your porch vignette, Joy. Surely they could all see that! ; )

    A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, my friend!

  6. too funny! just a few hours ago I was pulling out of Aldi's here in Nebraska and I saw a branchy branch broke off a tree, laying on the ground that would have been lovely in a pot...maybe spraypainted....I would have picked it up, except I had just spent hours cleaning out my car & was quite dressed up....maybe it will still be there after this snow storm ...and my car has some dirt in it

  7. I would have thought you were related with me. It looks Gor-Jus!!!

  8. Totally worth all the hard work. It's gorgeous!

  9. I periodically take my camera on walks with me down my street for great photo opportunities... You can also find me out spray painting things in my front yard, I'll just smile and wave if you drive by ;) Great stump!

  10. That must have been a good sight! Was it snowing as well?
    HAve a merry Christmas, enjoy and keep doing a few more crazy things!

  11. How unique! I would never have thought of using an old stump,but it's perfect!

  12. Yes, it was worth it! Your porch is lovely!

  13. I have three big logs sitting on my front porch right now!

  14. you are not alone!!!!!!!! we all do it!!! I love doing stuff like this, and thanks for the idea!!!!

    Angela from NJ


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