Monday, November 19, 2012

Stalking a Trough

One day at the thrift store I noticed an item in another shopper's cart. It was a lovely, perfectly aged, long, skinny trough. I was in love, yet sad that I had missed such a wonderful piece. Because it was love at first sight for me, I had a hard time letting it out of my sight. So I very nonchalantly stalked the pretty little trough. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who stalks other thrift store shoppers hoping that they'll put back a coveted item! Actually I already know that I must not be because one thrifter told me that she had a woman come up to her after she purchased an item and offered her more than 10 times what she had just paid. Fortunately I did not have to go to such extremes for this trough. The other shopper put it back on the shelf and walked away. That's when I swooped in to make that little trough mine and we have lived happily together ever since! It's been such a fun piece for decorating for summer and fall.


  1. That is too funny! I too am a thrift store goody stalker and I'm proud of it! I love your little trough!

  2. Oh my gosh! I love it! Lucky ducky!

  3. I saw a vintage picnic basket in another shoppers cart with a $4 price tag on it - I followed her for 15 minutes with no luck. You did GOOD! I love your little trough and you've decorated it so fun. Good find Joy!

  4. so very cute! And yes, YES, I'm a stalker too..;j


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