Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dollar PomPom Garland

I have been feeling a little non-creative over the past several months, hence my lack of posts. I love to create and I have dearly missed that outlet so I challenged myself to do a little something creative everyday. To get back into the creative habit I started off easy.
I purchased a few bags of pompoms from the Dollar store and with some thin jute and a larger needle I created some cute and very inexpensive garland.
           It looks so sweet on my Spring mantle. 
I also made one with more vibrant colors 
to use for the Summer. 
With a small investment of money and time, 
I was able to freshen up 
my creativity and my home.


  1. VERY cute garland Joy - you're so lucky to have that great mantle to decorate for every reason imaginable! Did you just use one package of pom poms? Or maybe two? Good to see you post today.

  2. Super cute and I love a thrifty project! Happy Easter!

  3. So happy to see your post today! Hooray! And what a fun garland! You are a clever one. :)


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!