Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ending With A Buy

What better way to end the year than with a thrift store makeover?
If you don't know by now, there are certain groups of items that I have a hard time resisting when I thrift store shop. I love white plates and vases, bowls, old glassware, clocks, metalware, and baskets. So when I saw this little item it caught my eye.
How could I pass up such an interesting metal basket? Look at those little details on the corners! I'm not sure what they were meant for, but I immediately had an idea for what I would do.As much as I loved the original galvanized metal finish, there were spots of rust that didn't look very pretty. So out came the black spray paint. Yes, I still manage to do a little spraying even with snow outside!
Next, I took a trip to a shop that sells chemistry supplies (another fun place to shop!) and I purchased some test tubes for fifty cents a piece. I was so excited when I found out they fit perfectly into those corner pockets.
Now I have an unusual, yet very pretty way to serve dishes at my holiday buffet!
I wish you all

Thank you SO MUCH for your friendship!


  1. I came across your page...great idea!!!!

  2. So clever! I would probably have passed on that but look at it now! Genius! Happy New Year!

  3. you are so creative! that is absolutely perfect. what a fantastic makeover!

  4. Joy...What a cleaver and festive idea!
    Where did you find the metal basket?
    Have a safe and happy 2009!

  5. Now aren't you one creative lady!

    Fantastic idea!

  6. That is so great! You can always come up with such good ideas! :)

  7. amaze me!! Happy New Year to you, Joys of Home!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2009!
    No pressure:)!
    -sandy toes

  8. Perfect! Wishing you a prosperous NEW YEAR!

  9. How cool! I am so loving all your I can't wait for all the goodies you share in 2009. Hurry with some Valentine stuff...I so need some good ones for my little one to pass out at day care.

  10. I too love baskets metal or otherwise and this one is certainly unique..I love what you did with it..very festive are one creative lady and I love getting ideas from others..have a wonderful new years!
    Gina :)

  11. You have done it again.....took something that I wouldn't have known what to do with and made it into a unique piece!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  12. So clever! It looks great! Thank you for all you've shared with us this year. I can't wait to see your new creations in 2009!

  13. Tha is a very cool basket and a great use for it. Happy New Year! I wish you many new blessings in the 2009!

  14. Dang you are clever! I am always amazed by the things you come up with!

  15. I am constantly impressed with your blog and creative ideas. Now I can't wait to get out to a couple of trhift stores/ antique malls, etc!!

  16. How do you DO that?! You are so creative!

    Love it. Best wishes for 2009...

  17. Hey...I like it better black anyway! Gotta love some of that ol spray paint! Happy and Safe New Year to you too!

  18. Great always!!!! Happy New Year Joy!!!

  19. Joy What a great find. It looks great.So creative with the idea as well.Happy New Year

  20. Nifty idea, Joy!!!

    Happy New Year!!

    Jan & Tom

  21. Another creative moment by Joy! You do come up with the most unique things at your thriftstores. I am really hankering to get out thrifting myself after a couple months off the wagon.

    I'm having a Top Projects for 2008 party next Wed. & I'd love for you to come by & participate. I know you've done a TON of things last year that are worthy of mentioning. Did you see my letter plaques that I did for Christmas that I totally copied you on?!

  22. Hi Joy,
    Love your new thrifty find! The test tube idea was so smart!

    Happy New Year to you!

  23. Brilliant, as always. Love your blog. Happy New Year!

  24. WHERE do you get these ideas? Amazing. Mimi

  25. Wow I would never have thought of using it that way. You have a very cleaver eye. It looks so great.

    Happy New Year


  26. Rockin' project, as always!
    Merry 2009 to you and your sweet family!
    Cheers~ Les

  27. What a great wire basket. It would have caught my eye in a heartbeat too. Love the added test tubes!

    Be well in the New Year!

  28. You are so crafty. What a great idea to make vases in the corners with test tubes! Very festive! Happy New Year!

  29. What a fun idea! Leave it to you, Joy! Happy New glad we've "met" through Blogland...looking forward to another year full of your great ideas!

  30. Holy cow - I couldn't get the pictures to load fast enough and had read the whole post without knowing what it looked like - AMAZING!

  31. When I opened my blog this morning, I thought of you! Aren't our daughters great? Delightful and SURPRISING?

    Happy new Year!

  32. What a beautiful blog you have! My first time here and I'm hooked!

  33. Hey, you have my dishes! I have that same white ironstone. I bought the entire set at an auction 13 years ago for $35. Every once in a while I find a random piece at a thrift store.

    Love the basket! What a fabulous use for it.

  34. Cool basket. I used black spray paint today on a little frame and thought of you. You can check it out on my blog--it is part of a give away that I am having for my 100th post. Happy New Year!

  35. Wow. Thanks for sharing! I'm never able to see the finished product when searching thru thrift shops... I need to keep working on that skill. What a talent you have!!



I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!