Friday, January 2, 2009

I Just Can't

After months and months of holiday lights and decorations, I just can't go back to a plain and boring house! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the feeling of having less clutter when all of the Christmas decorations are taken down. But, I NEED a few twinkle lights and pretty decorations to get me through the dark, gray, hazy and boring month of January.So I left up my glassware filled with Epsom salt "snow" and clear lights, and added all of the snowflakes I could find.It's so nice to have a light and sparkly area of my home to contrast with the dreary days of January.
What do you do to help you get over the holiday let-down?


  1. Perfect.

    a mocha always helps me or a little shopping is great therapy! ; )!
    -sandy toes

  2. Yep, I'm with Sandy Toes. A mocha always helps me!

    I, too, am struggling with taking everything down. Yesterday I worked on the dining room and decided to mistreat my window and add a few new things (that I found in other areas of the house). It just helps me to change things around a bit.

    I love your idea with the shiny things! My hardest area to work on now is my mantel. I keep messing with it and miss the holiday stuff that's been up there since Oct.


  3. What a greast idea! I need a little sparkle too, I think I'll try this:>)

  4. I love your sparklies! I always leave all of my snowmen, snowflakes and other wintry things up. I like all the greenery taken down and the trees out of the way, but I do like some seasonal decorating all year round.

  5. Looks good and sounds great to me...I also leave my little pine trees up in the corner with lights on them...I think I will try to add some in the living room also...I need something more to remind me of the festive time all year long not just Christmas.

    Pssstt....I am ready to see some cute ideas for Valentine...I know you have some as crafty as you are.

  6. Cute winter ideas. My busiest time of the year is January-March, so the quicker everything is packed up, the better I feel, so I don't have to worry about the let down. I do miss the decor on the streets and in stores though.

  7. I still love those mirrors on your mantel - I'm sure I would leave them there forever. They look great with lights and snowflakes. I never have a let-down in January - I'm always looking forward to tomorrow and enjoying today. Sally

  8. so pretty! I think I'm going to pull out all my snowflakes for a little sparkle as well.

  9. Love it. What a fabulous idea. I was just blogging the other day about how my house seemed so boring and empty after taking all the Christmas things down. This is so pretty!

  10. my favorite new tabletop display this year was one of my huge jars, which i filled with ornaments and white lights. i love it so much, i am trying to figure out what to use to replace the ornaments every season!

  11. I LOVE that! I have kept my snowmen and silver glittery trees up. I LOVE the lights you have kept up. I will probably try that next year!

  12. I am feeling the same thing. I just did my dining table...and used all my glass snowmen for the centerpiece. I will post for Tablescape Tuesday. I am just not ready to totally let go. I love the idea of the snowflake mantle. Looks lovely!

  13. I like it. I kept my houses up for awhile too. My mantle upstairs looks naked now, I must fill it with something soon.

  14. Your icy pretties look lovely. I am leaving my snowmen out. I'm planning to craft some snowman ornaments this January; so, I'm thinking about leaving the tree and snowman/snowflake ornaments on it until the end of the month.

  15. Thanks for the great idea. I always miss the sparkle of Christmas when it's gone too. I'll have to go on a snowflake search and see what I find!

  16. That's the most beautiful mantel I have ever seen!!!! Love the clear glass and the epson salt snow...and the snowflakes...Gorgeous!

  17. I love this!! I have been taking down the holiday decorations today and decided to leave the snowmen that have been living in our half bath. I'm pondering over what to do with the shelving on the entertainment center as I'm not ready to go back to what was there before the fall decor came out! I'll have to give the snowflakes some thought ... I'm sure they are on clearance at lots of places right now!!

  18. My house is such a mess right now of trying to get things put up and cleared out. I just need a nice house cleaning fairy to come in and do it all for me.

  19. I love all those snowflakes! I have lots of snowmen that I leave up until February when I start Valentines. I always view January as kind of sad/depressing. The snowmen help it a little.

  20. I always leave out my snowmen until February, then it's not so boring! Love your Mantle , it is really pretty and cheery.

  21. Oh I'm so glad to see your post. I so agree. I'm planning to leave the snowmen out and anything red and white that doesn't scream Christmas. Hmmm, need more snowflakes.

  22. How beautiful! I felt the same way this year. Everything looked really clean once the decor was put away but it seemed to bland and boring. I put out snowflakes and clear glass as well!

  23. That's really pretty. I agree with the holiday let down. I kept up my decorations on the chandelier and the china hutch in the dining room.

    Happy New Year!

  24. Cute! I love all the light and snowflakes.

    As for me and living through those dark days, I have decided to paint my kitchen cabinets. But I need to go shopping for some January/February decorations!

  25. This is simply stunning, I don't blame you for leaving it up.ple

  26. I'm with you. I left subtle pieces here and there that are more winter, but not necessarily Christmas. It's nice to have some touch of winter around. VERY beautiful display!!!

  27. Your pictures just make me so happy! I love the sparkly too, and that's such a pretty arrangement.

  28. Ooooh! a beautiful winter wonderland! I feel the same about Christmas clutter. I usually like to leave the window candles up while the decor goes down.

  29. What a nice idea! My house house looks kinda sad about now. I love how you made the snow!!!

  30. Great idea. I'm already feeling a little down. These gray days are icky. Mimi

  31. I love this and it is so pretty! I have my garland still 'lit' up with white lights on my fireplace with a Medium size red bead heart just off center. I want to go to Hobby Lobby and see what else I can add. I like the looks of the snowflakes and snow.
    I too have a hard time taking down all the sparkly:) But the clutter fo the rest feels really good. It is snowing again outside. We got 21 inches on Christmas day:)


  32. Yup, seems so empty and cold with all the CHRISTmas decor removed. Soooo, I put up my Valentine's things already. A few red left over CHRISTmas lights and a few hearts made us all happier :)

    Your January winter decor is most delightful, I must say. I didn't think to do that ~ went right to Valentine's decor



  33. That looks great! I had something similar up for New Year's, and now I had left it up!!

  34. That looks so sparkly and pretty!!! I'm leaving up a few "wintry" things as well. But now I'm in organizational mode, so things are gonna be changing soon! :)

  35. Oddly enough, for me, I miss the Christmas stuff, but the Clutter free feeling opens my house up. I enjoy it for a few weeks usually and then get back to decorating. Since this is a new house (to us) we have alot of stuff to buy, decorate, build and put in, so there will be little boredom during this tedious time of year

  36. It looks so beautiful! I don't blame you one bit for wanting to keep things up a little longer. Personally, I love white twinkle lights. They kind of give the warm feeling of candles. Long story short, I'm right there with you sister. :)

  37. Great idea, Joy! I've been dreading taking down all the festive decorations and the let down of the end of the holiday season. I like your idea of keeping some sparkle out for January.

  38. I feel the same way. I'd love to leave up some white lights somewhere in my living room.

  39. We're the same way! We take down Christmas after my MIL's birthday on the 5th... and put up our Valentine's Day decorations. Keeps some color in the house!

  40. Call me crazy but I love it when I take all the Christmas down and the house is spotless.... I begin the day after Christmas and do a "winter cleaning" on several areas of the house... move furniture and vacuum, dust EVERYTHING, vacuum the curtains, organize things, etc..... My house always seems clean and fresh... and that's what gets me through the dark, depressing January days.... but I love your idea.... next year I may do something like this! It's beautiful!

  41. I left my trees up - they are beautiful and sparkly. happy new yr!

  42. Very pretty and very sparkly! I don't blame you one bit for leaving up a little bit of sparkle while packing away the rest of your decorations! I usually leave out a few of my wintery white decorations too. You're right, it helps to get through the cold days of winter!

    But not this, because I now live in Texas where it was 82 degrees yesterday, and two because we are taping a TLC show at our house this week and I needed everything to be back to our "normal" everyday! ;)

  43. It looks fabulous! Just perfect for the gray sky days and freezing nights ahead.


  44. That looks beautiful. I'd leave it up till the last snowstorm passes! I keep most of my snowman decorations up around the house till around march.

  45. I love your blog! I used one of your ideas- the painting of your bon appetit frame. I did some frames of my own. They turned out great, and look great in my hall. I let my bloggy friends know where I got the idea. Thanks for the inspiration!

  46. Oh wow, it looks so pretty.
    Cheers Linda

  47. I left up my snowflake tree also...just couldn't bear to take
    EVERYTHING down. Love your little twinkle light display!

  48. that is pretty..Love the sparkle reflection from the mirror..I am actually likeing the clean uncluttered look..but have left some twinkly lights up and the outdoor lights are still up as they are red and white and perfect for Valentines...will take them down after...and you could also start in a few weeks to decorate in red and white for valentines..going to make me some curtain (machine embroider) for my kitchen window..may do a monthly theme..using the flour sack towels I get at Walmart...have a great week...

  49. I have a friend who took down her christmas decor off the tree but put different decorations on it for the holidays..she had snowshoes there and fishing themed was really festive...

  50. Sadly, my Christmas decorations are still up! I love your decorations! They're beautiful. I don't like January either. Not much that's good happens in it. I especially don't like getting all of our tax documents together.

  51. What a great idea! One year, I enjoyed my string of star lights in the front window so much that I decided to keep them up year round. (I have other stars around the house, so it became an extension of that theme.) Also, I keep snow-related items up & make sure to keep taking advantage of the chilly weather by drinking hot chocolate w/ candy cane inserts and the like. Each season should be celebrated & life should be sparkly (even if we must create it ourselves)!

  52. I love your idea with the lights and glass and snow! Next year I am going to combine it with my after Christmas theme. I decorate with red Cardinals after Christmas. They have a special meaning to me and help to make the house more cheerful.

    Mary G.


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