Monday, January 5, 2009

The Last Holdout

Today I plan to take down and put away my living room Christmas tree.
Yes! It is still up.
I usually don't take it down until after my kids go back to school. I like to keep this tree up a little longer than the other decorations, so I can enjoy it's beauty without having my mind running in a dozen different directions. It's kind of a ritual for me. While I take it down and put everything away, I reflect on the holidays and the past year. But early this morning I realized that, this year, I hadn't taken the time to really enjoy it at all. It had just been a task on my list of things to do. And so, at around 6 AM, I turned on the lights, laid on my tummy, and took time to gaze and day dream.The village is no longer as orderly as it once was, but I resisted the urge to make everything right again. Instead, I tried to learn a few lessons in the quiet of the morning.The village looked a mess, but it was that way as a result of our cat, my youngest son and his best friend, and my little grand-daughter having fun.
LESSON #1: Real life is messy, yet I spend so much time trying to make things appear perfect and pretty that I often miss out on life.
LESSON #2: It's often in the messes where the best memories are made!
LESSON #3: What good is it to have pretty things, if we don't take the time to enjoy them.
LESSON #4: People are more important than possessions.
LESSON #5: I need to spend more time this year on the important things, people and relationships, and less time on acquiring possessions.
LESSON #6: There's a lot to be learned in the quiet of the morning.


  1. Very good lessons! Enjoy the process of taking it all down!

  2. These were wonderful thoughts... They resonated in my heart also. The memory of our little granddaughter pulling garland off the tree and squealing with delight even when it toppled over (not on her thank goodness) are wonderful memories this year left. Things are just things. I enjoy your posts alot:)

  3. the quiet of the morning... my favorite time to learn.

  4. All of what you said is so true!
    I must remind myself of that too that people are more important than possessions!
    Why do we forget that sometimes?

  5. Your lessons are "right" WE all need to apply them!
    -sandy toes

  6. great lessons! :) Have a great day undecking your halls! :)

  7. Thank you, Joy! In the whirlwind that is my life, I often feel as if I have missed out on something at the end of the day. And I truly have...I have missed the people that I love. I have let precious moments slip through my fingers. This is my single resolution this not be so busy that I let memories pass me by. Thanks for the reminder...for giving me accountability without even knowing it. God bless!

  8. "Lessons to be Learned" how true, how true. Would you mind if I shared those in Relief Society sunday in our news letter. (noticed your S.L. Temple)
    Love your blog. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful ideas.

  9. Your post is so true. Life is messy and that is often where we see that God is faithful. Enjoy your time. Jackie

  10. Every lesson is so true. Good idea to, slow down, listen, enjoy. Life goes by too fast. Mimi

  11. beautiful thoughts! i think i'll leave my tree up a few more days. I could stand to appreciate it a little longer.

  12. Thank you so much for the lessons we must remember.

  13. We all must learn these important lessons!Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!

  14. It takes a wise woman to learn those lessons from what could be an otherwise frustrating thing.

  15. Those "Lessons" are great...I am going to remember them. Looking forward to a new year seeing all your great ideas!

  16. Such wonderful lessons....things we all need to learn. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Yes, great lessons! I took the ornaments off our tree last night and, for the first time ever, thought about all our joyful Christmases of the past. We tend to collect ornaments that have some meaning to our lives, so it was extra special. I felt such joy as I carefully packed each ornament away. I look forward to reading more of your posts this year!

  18. I haven't taken my tree down either, but you have a much better excuse. That lovely village!

    I've decided to take down my decorations when I get to it. There's no point stressing about it when I have more important things to do.

    Plus it's nice to just sit and enjoy them without the holiday rush...

  19. Great thoughts Joy! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  20. Very thought provoking! Thank You~Enjoyed that!

  21. Wonderful lessons - I agree! I talked to my husband about this the other day. He had 20 days off from mid December and goes back to work this week. We spent most of that time trying to get things "ready" and "just right" that between cleaning, shopping and him having a small bout of flu, we feel like he had no time off at all. 20 days, ha! Honestly feels more like a long weekend. We all need to slow down and enjoy more. Thanks for the reminder.

  22. Morning! Yes to all 6!!!! Have a great day - Sincerely, Jeannette

  23. I love to leave the tree up the lights. Yours are beautiful and reminds me of the times when my daughters helped me decorate...Love to read your blog and enjoy each and every day you are bless with...

  24. Happy New Year Joy...good lessons to live by!

  25. I love lesson number 2!!!

    ALL yes ALL of my decorations are still up. I had to give them an extra week or two to still be magical!

  26. Oh I so agree with you!! My little village under my tree was a magnet for my two year old granddaughter. She spent hours under there playing with the people of the village. When I finally put my tree away, I chuckled and wept a little as to how much joy the little ones bring to the holidays. I too, just sat one morning and took all the beautiful lights and ornaments and let them melt into my heart.

  27. My tree is still holding out. Sadly, today, I think, is his final day. I'm not one - nor did I grow up in a house - that takes down their decorations too early. I'm going to winterize though. Snowflakes and some snowmen, a few twinly lights and perhaps an alpine tree or two. Heck, I live in Northern Ontario. I've got snow outside my door until the end of May! And even then, still sweatshirts in June.


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