Friday, February 13, 2009

To Top It Off

The guest room needed two bedside tables. I like having mismatched tables, especially if they have character. I had the pedestal part of a table stored in my garage. I can't even remember what happened to the original top. I just know that, much to my husband's dismay, I had kept the bottom as a project-in-waiting. All it needed was a pre-cut round top and a little paint.After giving it a couple of coats of paint, I wasn't happy with the overall look. It just called out for a little something extra.
I ran to the fabric store and found some trim and some heavy weight fabric that has a great texture---like a combination of burlap and linen.I turned the table upside-down on the fabric and traced
and cut about an inch wider than the tabletop.I sprayed a generous amount of adhesive
to the tabletop and applied the fabric,
pulling and gluing the extra fabric along the edge.
I used hot glue to adhere the trim
along the center of the edge.
(click on photo to enlarge)
I love the look of this table!

It adds such texture and beauty to the room.


  1. Oh wow - that's an awesome idea! I can imagine it with upholstery tacks too...ohhh the possibilities :).

  2. is so cute..I would never think of such a thing..that is why I read you..wink!

    Happy Heart Day Joys of Home!
    -sandy toe

  3. That is so cute. I never thought about a padded table but I love the texture.

  4. Have I told you lately that I love all your projects!!!

  5. That is such a great idea! I love a table with a pretty pedestal base!

  6. I LOVE that table!!! You have the best ideas and that is a WONDERFUL one!

  7. Love the different textures you used. Great project.

  8. That is very cute! Don't you just love pedastool tables? It looks a lot like one I just did for my living room! Very classy!

  9. What a great ideal, your so smart to think of that. I never think of things like that until I read about it on you blog....Barb

  10. I hope your husband is happy you kept that base! It looks fabulous.


  11. That turned out so have the most incredible VISION! I'm so grateful you share it with the rest of us!

  12. I don't think I have ever left a comment, but I LoVe your blog! Your table turned out great! Rhoda at Southern Hospitality redid a table very similar to yours. Here is her link...

  13. Love it! I always love trim and stuff on pieces!

  14. looks great! mind me asking what kind/color paint you used? maybe it's just white, but it looks like it's a nice creamy white that i've been thinking of using for our dressers.

  15. I love it Joy! That room is gonna be gorgeous when you get done with it. cherry

  16. Love,oh how I love this idea... fabric on the top and trim you just made my night! :) back to wow!



  18. Wow, that is summ'n else. I always get the eye roll when I use the term "I'll use it eventually - don't chuck it." I love the thought of making something personalized and your own like the table.

  19. Divine for the home and cottage- you are a genius!

  20. Hi, Joy, we were both on round tables this week. Your base looks a lot like mine. I love the fabric cover, great idea!

  21. I would have never thought to add fabric to the top of a table. Pure genious! I too am a collector of things that one day I could need. Lately, it has really paid off. When I feel the need to thrift shop-my husband tells me to go to the garage and pretend I am shopping. The past few weeks-I really did that and was super happy that I had them.
    I opened a Etsy shop with a Visiting Teacher Kit that I came up with. They are super cute and would be so fun to give and recieve. Please go and check them out give me your creative opinion.
    Tell your friends as well.
    I really want to make this work-I figure any advice from such creative people such as yourself-can only help!
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    have a happy heart day-(in the snow)

  22. Great idea always amaze me!

  23. I love it! I love round tables. You have the greatest ideas. I love your blog.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  24. I love all of your ideas! I keep hoping you won't run out of inspiration and you never do!

  25. Great idea. Kind of a built in tablecloth. Mimi

  26. Joy- A friend told me about your blog and I am a new fan! My favorite stores have always been the thrift stores and I love garage sale-ing too. (You never know what you'll find that will spark some creativity!) And people throw this stuff away!

    You have inspired me with your ideas, you have such a fun home- thanks for sharing it.

  27. nice job- once again you've taken something plain and made it unique and special!

  28. I really like that idea! The Table looks great!

  29. I love that! What a great idea, one that I'd never thought of. :)

  30. this is darling, of course everything you do is.

    i'm wondering did you seal the top? are you using a pre cut glass top over it? as a bedside table wouldn't you worry about someone unthinkingly putting a glass on it to sweat and ruin your beautiful table?
    of course that would be what would happen at my house anyway.

    have a fabulous day!


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!