Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Unofficial Holiday

Can you see what's wrong with this picture?Yes, the door and trim are not the same pretty white
as the crown molding.

I'm embarrassed to admit that this has been the case for a while now. I don't even remember why I didn't paint it when everything else was painted. and because it's the back of the door, I only see it first thing in the morning when I'm running to do a dozen other things, and late at night when I'm ready for bed.
Please tell me that I am not the only person that leaves a little something to do on a project and then forgets to go back and finish the job.
Occasionally my husband will ask, "When are we going to paint that door?" (He says "we" even though he never does the painting.) I usually respond with, "I'll get to it."
Well, I am officially declaring today

It will be called "Why Not Wednesday!"
Today is the day I am going to get to
painting that door----FINALLY!
You can join me in celebrating today.
What project have you been neglecting?
When are you going to do it?
Why Not Wednesday!

And when I'm done painting,
I'll start working on the tutorial
you asked for.


  1. This happens to me ALL the time!
    We..."I" start the project, and just before finishing it up, wham! I get sidetracked and it stays undone until someone points it out, or a holiday is coming and I have to get the home in tip-top shape for guests!
    Glad that I am not the only one!

  2. Oh..I have things I could do.. I could i could i could!
    Happy Painting!
    ~Sandy toe

  3. I am working on cleaning my storage room...ugh. NOT on Wednesday!

  4. Oh this makes me feel a bit more "normal" whatever that is, LOL, just to know it isn't only me. Thank you for the push I needed!



  5. I like your idea! I need that holiday everyday! Happy Wednesday and Good Luck! Thank you for your motivation!

  6. OH my goodness, I have so many of these kinds of unfinished projects I don't even know where to start! Good luck with the door!

  7. I'm afraid that I am very guilty of that very same thing. Nice to know I'm not the only one.

  8. This is me...I do it a lot. As a matter of fact while we have been redoing our kitchen, one side is finished, well not really. I didn't paint the baseboards..It was one of those I'll do it later things and never got to it.

  9. What white do you use for your home? I want to have a consistent white color throughout the house- and a shade that's not going to be discontinued in 5 years when I need to go back and touch up!

  10. What a great Holiday! ;) I will have to figure out WHICH project that I've been putting off to work on.

  11. Yes! I need to hem some drapes but I just never get to it. :)

  12. Joy, I have the same thing! You should hop over and join in my before and after party!

  13. I am going to take your challenge and organize my craft room closet! It should be a fun one! The thing is a disaster! I will post before and after pictures! Those are always fun!

  14. I literally have that exact undone project - in several rooms!

  15. You changed your header!!! It looks great!

  16. I was sooo excited over the header that I forgot to say I think we all have THOSE projects. I am organizing my sewing room. Yuck!!!

  17. I have too many thing to mention! But thanks for the inspiration!

  18. I love the new blog title chic!! I love those green grassy balls!!

  19. I have lots of neglected projects,but at the top of the list is the grout in the kitchen and breakfast room that needs to be painted!

  20. Maybe I should finally paint behind the fridge? Oh, but now it's been so long that I want to change the paint color!


  21. LoL~Aww those guys and the things they say-gotta love them huh?
    I still have closets to re-organize and a few other loose ends to completing spring cleaning-but I will get to it...eventually...maybe by summer?
    Hope you are having a fun week~Tam!

  22. The crown molding looks great (even if you haven't painted it yet). I give you props.

    Have fun painting the door.


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!