Thursday, February 26, 2009

You Asked, I Delivered

***Edited to Add***
I feel so humbled that Kari and Kjisa
are featuring this post on their
"Psst...Your Creativity is Showing" segment.

Thank you so much Ladies!!!

Several of you wonderful ladies requested a how-to of the grain sack reproduction. You asked, I delivered.
First, decide how big you want your project. Next, use any computer program to make a pattern (I use Print Shop), or draw one by hand using a permanent marker.
Then cut the burlap just a bit larger than the finished project. This makes it easier to manage, as well as giving you an idea of where to place your pattern. Place the burlap on top of the pattern, and then lay both onto a light box (one of my favorite tools EVER). If you don't own a light box, then secure the burlap onto the pattern using straight pins and tape the two pieces onto a sunny window.
Using acrylic craft paint, simply paint on top of the pattern.
You can also use a store bought stencil, as I did to achieve this design.Be sure to remove your pattern while the paint is still wet so the paper doesn't stick to the dried paint. Once the paint is thoroughly dry, if you want a more aged look, you can lightly sand over the painted surface. It's just that easy to make your own personalized grain sack.
If these directions seem familiar to you, it's because I used a similar technique here and here


  1. THANK YOU! What a great tutorial. Wonderful idea and inspiration. I so want to try this. I have foam stamps from scrapbooking I could use with swirly designs and such. Now I just need a unique round frame. I already have an idea of where to hang it!

  2. Thank you for the tutorial. So pretty. I still wonder how you come up with all you do!

  3. Thanks..thats a neat project I think I'll try when I get a minute!

  4. thanks for sharing. I am going to use this idea to make me some new pillows for my brown leather sofa.

  5. Great tutorial and it doesn't sound too hard. LOVE it!

  6. Awesome tutorial! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Wow..that looks so easy...but I am not sure yet...I think I may admire yours from a far!
    ~sandy toe

  8. Oh my! This is on my list of things I must do! Love this and can't wait to try it!

  9. I'm REALLY Thinking about making one of these. The options are ENDLESS!!!!

  10. Brilliant! BRILLIANT! Thank you so much for the tutorial.

  11. Oh thank you so much for the tutorial! You are always coming up with such wonderful ideas and are so sweet to share them. Thanks Joy!

  12. Oh it's GORGEOUS! I'm so glad you wrote up the directions. They're fantastic and so helpful! I'll be linking.

  13. Wow this is beautiful! This gave me a good idea how to make them. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Hello...

    Oooh...I love this post! Thank you so much for this tutorial! I would love to try make it look much easier than I'm sure it is!

    I love this pretty initial in the frame...fabulous!!!

    Warmest wishes...

  15. this is incredible! I like it just as much as the 4th of July Flag project I copied from you last year! Is there a certain "weight" of burlap to buy? I can't wait to try this! Thank you so much!

  16. Miss Priss,
    I bought my burlap at JoAnn's Fabric. I suppose it's just a normal "weight" of burlap.

  17. Awesome Joy! I want to try this, thanks for sharing! I have to tell you, yours is one of my favorite blogs, I always check it first. :)

  18. I just love this...thank you for the great tutorial. I'll definately give this a try!

  19. U r so talented and generous with your ideas. Thank u so much. Oh I so want your fireplace, please....

  20. Must try! stick it in my pocket, I have to try this.

  21. Wonderful! Thank you so much for the tutorial and inspiration.

  22. where did you find the light box you use?

  23. Beautiful blog Joy and thank you for sharing this great tutorial.


  24. Hy Joy, yesterday I read for the first time your Blog, and I think that you make a wonderful work.
    You gave me such a good idea about do the pillows. I didn´t realize how to do it. Thank you, Julia C. from Argentina.


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!