Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An Idea to Steal

Are you an idea gatherer like I am? Are you always tearing sheets of ideas from magazines and catalogs, and printing them off the internet? Do your ideas begin to resemble piles of clutter? Or do you have the time to put those piles into little manilla folders and file them away? And then is the saying true, "Out of sight, out of mind" and you forget all about your gathered ideas?
My daughter's friend Jana shared how she managed to keep her gathered ideas neat and handy.
She buys an inexpensive binder and clear protective sheets. She labels the binder and fills the sheets with all of the ideas and inspiration she's gathered.
In her December folder she includes a gift list so she can remember about the gifts she's bought and stored throughout the year, (an idea I like because I'm always remembering those gifts when it's too late).She even takes photos of cute gifts she's seen or been given so that she can refer to them for inspiration.Along with the sheets of inspiration for decorating, she inserts easy and cute gift ideas. She includes Christmas stories to read to her children. And family games to play. And activities to do.And the best thing is, it's all contained in a pretty binder so she can easily pull it out each year to be inspired by all of her gathered ideas.
It's an idea worth stealing!


  1. I do this too. not to that extreme but I have a col binder and put the magazine pages, clippings etc. in them. Its my wish book! :)

  2. Oh to be so organized...maybe when I grow up...lol!

  3. That is such a great idea! I seem to have many 'idea piles' around! It would be so nice to have them neatly together!!

  4. I also do this (and blogged about it last weekend). I have 2 binders - one for recipes and one for the rest -- and I use clear plastic sheet protectors for everything.

    NOW -- If only I could take the time to put in all the things that I've come across since last Xmas! Maybe this weekend.

    And I love your moniker of us as "Idea Gatherers".

  5. I LOVE this idea, I am going to start doing it! Its even a great idea for a gift in itself, a starter kit for someone you know who wants to get organized for christmas.

  6. I have one of these binders, too. However, mine isn't quite so organized with the games and gift lists and all. Great idea, though. I hadn't thought of that myself.

  7. I just started doing this again. I used to do it all the time.

    I have 1 for recipes, one for items I want to make for myself, and another organized by the person I would give it to as a gift (this has a section for items that I don't know who I would give them to but I really want to make.

    After I make the item, I write who I gave it to and when on the top so I don't forget and give it to them twice!

    I also leave the instructions in that person's file. That way if I want to make the same thing for someone else, I can find it.

  8. I am so guilty of this and I need to steal this idea!

  9. Such a great idea! I try to get that organized, but I think the ideas are breeding in my stacks because they just keep getting bigger.... maybe over Winter Break this year I can work on this.... Thanks for sharing - your blog is always so inspiring.

  10. What a fabulous idea! I must admit, your friends binder is really intriguing!! Any chance she would be willing to share her pages? I love the "Don't Eat Pete" game in the photo. I'd love to see her other ideas!

  11. Hi, I am always saving ideas/pictures that I see on other blogs so I have them in my documents and pictures folders, but not in any particular order. That reminds me, I think I need to de-clutter.

  12. That is a very clever idea and I like how she puts little sayings and poems with her gifts. I was looking for one for a candle. Thanks!


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