Monday, November 16, 2009

My Friend

Have you met my friend Jen from Sanctuary Art?
We've never met, but I consider her my friend because we have so much in common. We both like to take old furniture, paint it, and personalize it to our home. I'm always so inspired by her creativity, and her humor.

She interviewed me for her blog.
I was so honored that she picked me for her series on Women Who Create.

Please go visit her and while you're there you can read a few tids bits about me.


  1. Good for you! You are most definitely worth interviewing! I'll head over there to read more right now.

  2. That was a great interview. That's so funny that you tell your husband all the time that you are going to quit blogging. I do the same thing ;o) But promise me you won't quit until I finish my faux Joy bookcase. The one you made out of doors? We are trying to do the same kinda with my sons old bed frame. See? You've gotta stay!

    My best, Lynn

  3. I'll have to go over and visit her. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday.♥

  4. I stumbled upon your blog from before and after! I'll visit Jen's blog as well!

  5. Joy thanks so much for mentioning me~! It was so sweet! Thanks for the great interview and some day we ARE going to meet!

  6. I just found out about her, because her craft was used in last month's Country Living. I took on the project in this blog entry:


I am truly humbled and thrilled that you read and comment on my blog. If you have a question for me, please feel free to email me.
Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!