Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You Never Know Until You Try

Very few things stay the same in my home. Even if I love the way something looks, I find it exciting to challenge myself to make a few changes, if only to see if I'll love it even more.
After all, you never know until you try right?
This little shelf we built, that hangs above the potty, has looked like this for some time.
And these pretty bottles sat in the bathroom window far too long. So I combined them and added a few more bottles from around the house.
Now the little bathroom shelf looks like this. A fresh, new change
for the new year.


  1. I'm likin' it Joy - they really make a statement gathered all together like that!

  2. I really like it. A little change makes a huge impact. But I was diggin your vintage hair dryer. I'm so close to calling up my mom and asking if she still has the one from when I was a kid!

    (at least that looks like a hair dryer!)


  3. Neat. I like your blog. I hope it's okay that I added it to my sidebar. :)

  4. I love the way it looks, ALTHOUGH...where did the old hairdryer go???

  5. I LOVE it!! A fun new look, although I thought the old way was super cute too! I'm right there with ya, I love changing little things in my house to freshen up the look. Nice!

  6. I really like it! It's amazing how such a small change can make such a big difference.

  7. It's hard to put away things we love but isn't it a refreshing change to mix it up once in a while???!!!

  8. What a great idea! Love all the glass bottles.

  9. Simply beautiful. I love glass jars in the bathroom. Due to the toddler situation we are living through right now ;o) we cannot have such things in our decor. Yet. For now.

    My best, Lynn
    *swing on by my spot, I am hosting a mega giveaway extravaganza this week!

  10. Beautiful! It's amazing how shopping the house and a little rearranging can make something seem brand new!

    Happy New Year

  11. Hair spray build up covers anything w/ in 10 feet of my triger finger!! How do you keep it all so CLEAN??

  12. looks great...I have to say I laughed because that hair dryer you have on the shelf in the first picture uhhh I have one to!! my husband is the "collector" of many things and he bought that for me it sits on my vanity... :)


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