Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Influential Build

Don't you feel so blessed when someone unexpectedly walks into your life to build you up and let you know that they believe in you.
Someone who plays a key role because they
unlock thoughts about yourself you never thought before.
Someone who immediately becomes your friend because they can see
great qualities in you that you can't see in yourself. And, in my case, someone who has so much faith
in my design abilities that she was the very first to say,
"You've got a talent and I want to pay you for helping me."
And then she recommends you to others because she believes in you so much. Yes, that would be my friend who owns the cabin I showed you in the last post. She has been such
a wonderful influence for good in my life.
I hope to be like her!
So when it came to building our first "commissioned piece"
of door furniture, for her and her husband, I wanted it to be special.

I designed it to be unique, practical and beautiful. And it looks like it belongs right at home in their cabin.


  1. Oh my heavens, that is BEAUTIFUL!

    I absolutely love it!

  2. This is breathtaking. One of my FAVS~

  3. That piece is beautiful and I love your sentiments expressed in the blog! You OBVIOUSLY have lots of talents and they just shine through in your art and words. :)

  4. Oh my gosh, good for you . . what a beautiful piece of work that you created . . Wow!

  5. oh WOW!
    you never stop amazing me!!!

  6. So beautiful. And so perfect for the space. And...MY color too!!

  7. Looks like you nailed it! Amazing, I love it!

  8. I have friends like that too! They believe in you even when you son't in yourself. Those are the best kind of friends!
    The furniture piece turned out so cute. Looks like it is right at home!

  9. I love this piece, especially the color. The red looks so good against the log walls.

  10. I just want you to know that I audibly gasped at the beauty of the piece. Looks like another hole-in-one for you!

  11. I a in LOVE WITH THIS. (I am a friend of your daughter, Ali from DC) I would be really interested in how much you would charge for something like this. I would LOVE one!

  12. WOW! I am absolutely in love with that amazing darling piece. I SO WANT ONE SO SO SO BAD! love it!!!! ;)

  13. What a unique piece of furniture/art! Talk about one of a kind! Your friend must be so delighted. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to find a kindred spirit in your life, one that has so much faith and trust in you. You are so lucky to have found each other! Can't wait to see more amazing creations

  14. I love the piece you made. I also love your blog. I just found you and have been going back to some of your older posts. I'll be back!

  15. I was about to chuck a door. I know what you will say. Never discard a door- think of the possibilities! I have a door that has been hanging around for years waiting for a project. I even emailed you about it last summer. But now I want to make this. Hmmmm....

  16. Joy you did it again! Congratulations on your success and I wish you the best!

  17. I am so in love with that! What a great idea. I think I need to hit some garage sales and make that for my entry way! Thanks for sharing.


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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!