Monday, February 22, 2010

A Winner, A Follow-Up and a Tease

We have a winner of a beautiful Sodderbug charm made by Janelle.

It's Ashley Bray.
Congratulations Ashley!!!

Do you remember months ago when I shared a little project that my hubby and I worked on together for our friends cabin?
The original fireplace looked like this.
I designed, hubby and I built, and I painted. Then the fireplace looked like this.Well here is a photo of the decorated mantle.I love the way it looks with the big mirror above and the wreath hanging in front of the mirror. Our friend said that she's replacing the small wreath with a larger one, so just imagine it looking that way now.
Isn't their cabin beautiful!
Do you see the refection in the mirror of the gorgeous quilt? Our friend is literally the Queen of Quilting. This lady is talented! I am so lucky to know her. She is my inspiration, not just because of her creative talents. But because she is incredibly confident and caring. And she and her husband are two of the most generous people I know! Not to mention that they willingly put their trust in us to build them a few items for their beautiful cabin.
The mantle isn't the only thing we did. We built another item for their cabin too. We started with an old solid wood back door. Here's a sneak peek with more photos to follow soon.


  1. I love it already...can't wait to see if you're going where I think you're going!

    Love the cabin FP's inspiring me to do something with my own cabin's's rather similar to the original only it has a stone mantle - I like bigger / chunkier. Hmmm....

  2. You should so put a decorating and idea book together, it would so sell. Great ideas! Waiting to see the next one . . . Yes!

  3. Love the fireplace makeover. I have a rock fireplace that never got finished. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I really hope you are making a cool table! Can't wait to see the results!

  5. Awesome ideas to decorate your cabin.I also love the fireplace makeover.Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Colorado Springs Carpet

  6. .it's rather similar to the original only it has a stone mantle

    Work From Home

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Thank you so very much for inspiring me to be more creative!