Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Gift of Garbage

Today was garbage day.
When my husband arrived home from his walk he announced that
he had a present for me. . . . . . .
from someone's garbage can.

Isn't he so romantic!
His walking partner thought he was strange.
But he knew that I would treasure this trash---
an old wooden screen.Now I feel a mantle makeover coming on!


  1. such a thoughtful hubby!
    cherish the man who is thinking of treasures for his honey!
    hugs! Loui♥

  2. THIS is why I love your blog so much! I can't wait to see your mantel make over!

  3. What a doll to do that . . my husband Dave is the same way . . how blessed we are!

  4. I love when my husband looks at something that others might not even thinking of looking twice at (that might even include him) and brings it home to me because he knows that I will love it...just as much if he had brought me a dozen roses.

  5. What a great guy!

    Garbage can be great.

  6. Neat-o!! When my husband worked at a university, he went dumpster diving for me all the time, I miss those days!


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