Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What 50 Cents Can Buy

My passion for thrifting has had to take a back seat lately with finances so very tight. But the other day I had a design appointment in the big city and thought that it would be nice to browse through a few thrift stores on my way home. After venturing up and down the aisles with nothing wonderful to be found, I spied a little package wrapped with cellophane and tape. Upon further inspection I noticed that it contained two small white ceramic quail, with a price tag of fifty cents. I laid down my change and adopted them.They are now nesting happily, basking in the light in my bookshelf.They seem right at home in the midst of all the white pottery.


  1. What a treasure! They look just gorgeous with your lovely collection!

  2. How cute are those. I love when I find little treasures like that especially when they are only 50 cents! :)

  3. If money is tight...sell something on KSL.com I find it just the thing to fill the coffers for another thrift store outing!!

  4. Oh my gosh! BARGAIN!! Those are adorable:)

  5. Ahhh! They're sweet little guys :)

  6. They do look right at home! Great find!!

  7. Oh how I love a bargain and those were such a find! Wonderful!

  8. I love how you describe your find as well! Beautiful.

  9. Cute birdies ;) They look like they love being "home" ~

  10. Come over to my blog and see what is nesting at my house! Love your little quails.

  11. Your quails are super cute! They look great in your home. :)

  12. The do fit right in. Sweet fine!!

  13. What a terrific find, and such a beautiful collection of white pottery!!!

  14. They're perfect...and you certainly can't beat the price!

  15. It's serendipity! The best kind of find! They are lovely.

  16. I love them! They look right at home.

  17. What a lovely find! And ya gotta love the price!


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