Monday, May 10, 2010

Lilac Love

My lilac bushes are abundant in blossoms. I thought I'd bring some of that beauty and aroma indoors.
I found that the blossoms last longer if you hammer the ends
of the branches so that there is more surface to drink up the water.

I pulled out this old thing to help weight the vase down and camouflage the stems.
You just can't beat a homegrown bouquet!


  1. Love the smell of lilacs. I will have to try your "hammering" tip. My lilacs never seem to last very long after I cut them. Sounds like this might help.

  2. great idea!!! Thanks for the tip.

  3. Not only can you NOT beat a homemade bouquet ... but a homemade bouquet of LILACS, well, that's just PERFECT!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your lilacs. We have a large bush in our yard but the frost got it so we do not any flowers or aroma. I miss it.

  5. Beautiful boquet. I am so allergic to spring flowering bushes and found darling pussy willows to place on a table but would love to find some artificial, but real looking lilacs. They so bring back memories of my Grandma!

  6. I love lilacs! So looking forward to planting some in my yard really soon.

  7. Gorgeous. My absolute favorite scent. Mine are finished blooming already, boo hoo. I posted a link on Monday to your front door Dollar Tree poppies. Thanks for the inspiration!


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