Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

I am so very tired of Winter. I am wondering if you can bring on Sprinter---the season where it's just warm enough to spray paint outside but not so warm that the weeds begin to grow. I am grateful for the snow and the water that it provides for the summer but it seems that lately we have had too much of a good thing. I am hoping that you will contemplate this change in weather. I have a long list of things that I would like to do but each one requires warmer temperatures.Thank you for this consideration,

***This is the last day to enter the 31 GIFTS giveaway here***


  1. I hope she hears you! I have had ENOUGH of this winter weather. Here in Va it was 72 degrees on Saturday - by last night we had sleet and snow and a high of 28! Make up ya mind why don't ya!!

  2. Sprinter! I didn't know about sprinter, but I like it. Yes, I'd like sprinter as well.

  3. (smile) I hope warm weather comes your way soon.

  4. Spring is teasing us here in Texas -- just hoping it doesn't trick us with another freeze!

  5. I'll sign that petition, Joy! : ) I think a lot of us here were feeling a bit relieved without snow for over a week and then, bam!, Monday morning we got more!

  6. I saw forsythia blooming along the streets of Nashville, TN today! Sadly not in my yard.

  7. I bet there is still more winter for all of us. Same here, a lot of things waiting to get done until spring.

  8. Sprinter...hahaha! You're hilarious! I am right there with you. I am going through spray painting withdrawal. :)

  9. I'm ready for spring too. Yesterday we had 7 more inches of snow.


  10. We are in a part of the country that has been teased. WE got alot of snow in November and then not much since then until this week. It even warmed up to 65 a few weeks ago and we were sure spring was almost here. Oh well.
    I hope you get a little more warmth and sunshine your way!

  11. I am right there with you! Time for some warmth.

    Come by for a Shabby Apple dress give away. :)

  12. I love the word sprinter. Maybe you could be like Sarah Palin and get a word added to the dictionary!!


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