Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Great After

A Wasted SpaceAFTER:
A Pretty Place

I'm so happy that I was able to transform
this dead end closet
using things I already had.

I'm hoping that you wonderful readers can help Katie. She e-mailed me trying to find a certain post in blogland: "It was a tutorial on how to make your own hand painted signs-I think the lady used receipt paper to trace the sayings onto painted wood pieces?....does this ring a bell? I have a toddler and I really wanted to make him a sign for his b-day"
***Edited to add: Thanks for your help! Katie found what she was after and more!


Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow...that looks so nice! How did you come up with that idea??? I would never think of it and I would be scared to do it. I have a wonderful desk in my garage to paint and I am scared to touch it!
You inspire me.
-sandy toe

Janene said...

That looks so great put together like that!
I never would have thought that by you last two posts that it would turn out like that!
Simply wonderful!
This sounds so gushy, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

That looks awesome! I have to admit that I was a little skeptical after the paper went on the wall. It looks incredible now that it's all pulled together :).

Vashti said...

LOVE it! Great job.

Kimberly said...

Lovely!! What a great transformation of space.

This is not a tutorial but it shows how Susie Harris makes her signs and might be helpful if she can't find the tutorial:

Traci @ The Bakery said...

AMazig! I am still wondering what on earth that could have been designed for.....What is behind the wall?

GRAMS said...

Oh so fun. I have a corner just like that and a table just like that so I might just copy. I need to do something new to brighten things up .Thanks you. Janis

Wendy said...

That looks wonderful.

Melissa said...

Joy, Joy, Joy... Is that real sheets of music on the wall? Who would have thought? I love this idea~did you modge podge?? It looks awesome!
As for the hand painting~I have this one bookmarked, but I don't know if it's what she means:
Good luck!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Mornin' Joy...

You have to wonder what some builders are thinking sometimes, eh? Well my friend, you took an awkward space and turned it into a place of interest and beauty! I read your post a few days ago about papering that closet with sheet that idea and it turned out beautifully!!! Then yesterday I read your post about refinishing that sweet little table and turned out gorgeous!!! Now this morning...I see the end result of all your labors...what a fabulous little nook!!! You took an awkward space and turned it completely around...great idea and fabulous decorating!!!

Warmest wishes...

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Love it, Love it,LOVE it!!! You amaze me with your creativity!!

Sara said...

I absolutely love it! It turned into something so cute!

Darlene said...

WOW Joy....I LOVE how that useless space is now a beauty!!!♥

Melissa said...

Sorry, Joy. As I'm catching up on your blog, I see that Tuesday gives a perfect tutorial of how you did it~thank you!!

Shanna aka Eli n Lucas's mommy said...

You did a great job! That looks awesome!
This isn't the tutorial she was looking for but I am using it. It seems pretty simple..

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

It looks great! I knew you weren't done when you showed us the paper project and I couldn't wait to see the finished project. You don't dissapoint!

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

Its Beautiful! I bet your loving it now! I'm with Traci, what is behind that odd space? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Love it too! It's great when you can use things you aready have.

FishMama said...

That looks fantastic! I was a little skeptical when I saw you papering the walls, but, man, you pulled that one off! When are you coming to my house -- I am sure we could find 101 odd spaces. ;)

Cindy said...

Beautiful transformation of that space!!! It's like it was supposed to be there, an end to the hallway!

I'm hoping someone can come up with that tutorial.....I could use it too! I'm going to check out those sites some of the others gave!

Have A Great Day!! ~~ Cindy

Martha said...

love it! it looks wonderful! Martha

Eileen said...

WOW! That is all I have to say.

Amber M. said...


The Pampered World said...

Wow! What an awesome transformation. I love it! Wish I had a small area like that to do something with.

The Dragonfly said...

That looks really fabulous Joy! I knew you could take such a weird little spot and make it magical.

Anonymous said...

WOW what a great transformation, you are very talented! Sue

Shilo said...

WOW! Truly, truly fabulous! You did an awesome job!
Hope you can stop by my blog for a little giveaway! :)

TidyMom said...

You pulled that off BEAUTIFULLY!!
I LOVE it!!


Anni S said...

Great Job!! Looks awesome! :o)

becki said...

for kim

it was posted yesterday. good luck

Joanna said...

Looks wonderful! I would have never thought to do that.

Tausha said...

You already know how great it looks. I am jeaous that you had all those things hanging around the house. I love the half table. I think that every home should have one-somewhere. I am going to take my own advice and go and look for one! Love the paper. I would have never thought to use that-the best part-it was only a dollar!!! You go girl!
Do you just walk around your house and smile at all the things that you have re-created? You must be smiling all the time!

Nora said...

The closet is amazing. It looks like it's always been that way. Great job!

Richard and Carlie said...

Wow! That looks so great! What a great idea!

Trudi said...

That look fantastic.

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Wow, that looks fabulous! That table works perfect in that space! Great job!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I've seen someone use chip board letters and trace those and paint inside the lines. I don't know where I saw it but seems easy enough. Good luck to her.

DARLING nook!! Great Job!

Dawn said...

That whole look is AMAZING! You did a fabulous job!


CMB said...

This really looks fabulous...what a great idea!

Nina Diane said...

wow.....that looks great!! good job!

Wendy said...

Awesome! Love it. What size is your mirror over the table? I have a similar half moon table and am struggling with the right size mirror to go with it...

crazigirl80 said...

Thank you Joy for helping me out! I went to look at some of the sites your readers mentioned and got some great ideas! I actually found the website I was looking for (at 1 AM this morning-I was determined to find it :)Here is the link for all of you. I will post on my blog when I finish my sign. Off to craft!

Reticent Meanderings said...

That is really amazing! It turned out even better than I expected from your initial description! You have taken a problem area and turned it into an asset. Kudos to you! :)

Valarie Lea said...

Ya know I have a space sorta like that. Used to be a closet, now its a door frame with some shelves. Hmmmm I do have a wall with an old gas heater on it though! I have not pulled it off the wall cause its going to make a mess of the wall, I could do something like this!!!

Kris said...


Kasey said...

This project turned out lovely!

Christine said...

Beautiful,,,and you are amazing!

Trixi said...

Oh, your little closet is so pretty. You just amaze me!!

mel said...

That turned out awesome!!!! I didn't know what you had planned to do with it after the paper went up. It looks great!

Pam said...

Very pretty now! Amazing transformation.

Brandie said...

That looks really good!

Free Art Printables said...

That looks fabulous! I have a post on my blog on how my neighbors and I did x-mas signs for our homes...

Erin said...

Absolutely should be proud of your inventiveness as much as the result. Thanks for sharing...

Christina said...

Joy, what a fantastic after. oh, how fun to see that loveliness where you just saw a plain 'ole door before.

MARGE said...

I love the outcome. I love the ideas you come up with

Ashlie said...

That looks awesome! Kudos to you! I wish I had a space like that to play with. I think I'd make it a ginormous shadow box!

Holly said...

Joy, that is stunning! I love it!

Adrienne said...

I am loving this!! The music on the wall is genius! Another great thing about this space it you will never stub your toe on the table!! haha...can you tell I'm clumsy...

Anonymous said...

It looks incredible - and I have to admit I wasn't loving the sheet music at first. But now? I'd pay good money for that!

Vaughn Family Chaos said...

that is incredible!!

Erin said...

Wow!Wow!Wow! What a fantastic idea!!

Our Complete Family said...

I love it! Wow! How great it turned out!!!

Nancy Wyatt said...

Awesome transformation!

Linda said...

Wow...what a transformation! It looks terrific!

Joy said...

There is a bathroom on the other side of that closet. One day we plan on gutting out the bathroom and adding that little bit of extra space to it.

Kim said...

This is so cute! You're so talented.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Joy, what a great idea! I love this little space. So fun to take an unused area & make it pretty.

AliceAnderson said...

Joy, love what you've done with the space. Was a little curious when the sheet music went up. :) With all the books I have I would have turned it into a bookshelf, but I love what you've done. Makes me wish I still had that little matching half moon table and mirror. *sigh* Why did I give that away??

Our Paper Plates said...

Oh that fits so perfectly in your little nook. Great thinking!

Crafty Niche said...

Now that is awesome!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This looks amazing Joy!

Chris said...

Is there a better word for brilliant? Well, if there is, it describes this project! I'm in love with it!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea, so pretty and creative!

Celia said...

Oh, it's gorgeous!!!! I truly love it! It's simple but so cozy! Congratulations!

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

Wow, it looks fantastic! I'm hoping to make a closet into a mudroom someday. BTW, there is a tutorial on my site for painting wood signs. Great job with the closet.

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