Each sack contains a few basic items and I've written directions on the front.

The meals are far from gourmet, more like a step above camp-out food. But I thought that if the decision of what to have for dinner was already made it would make dinner time a little easier.

Now hopefully three of the four males will actually follow the directions and prepare a few dinners while I'm a,way.
Wow, that is such a fabulous idea! I never know what to leave for my husband when I go out of town. I like how the directions are SO obvious it would be hard to ignore them.
Mrs. Petrie @ casapetrie.com/blog/
You are the best mom and wife. Love the idea of the bags and the directions in plain sight!!
What a fabulous idea! I would love to do this for my hubby one day!
Enjoy your trip!
Great idea!!! I say moms can do thies even when they are home- just to get a break every once in a while! Love it!
Great idea ! I'm going to remember this next time I'm away.
Gwyn Rosser
The Pink Tractor
Wow! You want to come do this at my house? LOL. You are amazing.
That is so cute... what a great idea! Reminds me when my mom was going to be gone, she would make all kinds of stuff... into tupperwares they went... ready for anyone at anytime! It was great!!
That chili cornbread dinner sounds yummy!! I have class every thursday night and my husband is left to his own devices... he always finds his way to Portillo's for a chopped salad. This is a GREAT idea!! I will definitely be doing this for him so he eats a well-balanced meal for dinner.
Well Joy you always think of everything!!! WHAT a fantastic idea!!! Now, hopefully they will follow your directions and have some home cooked food.
Enjoy your girl time!!!♥
That is such a sweet idea!
Aww, you're so cute! What a considerate thing to do.
(And those meals sound good. I could so go for chili & cornbread now!)
Great idea! That's really sweet of you to take care of your guys.
Wow ~ you're good! It would work out great if they each took on a night's dinner. If I did something like that I'd come home to find it just as I left it and Wendy's, chinese, and pizza containers in the garbage!
I am a total control freak... So I LOVE this idea. lol
Great idea!!! Although my DH would totally laugh at it/me.
Aren't you clever! Love this idea! Hope you enjoyed your girl time!
Great idea Joy!
We make a similar chili recipe in a dutch oven when camping. It is so good & tasty! I have not attempted it at home, now I will! Thanks!
Wonderful idea - although...the males in your house read directions??
Ha Ha I love this! If you need me to check in on them to see if they're still alive and conditions are livable I will ;) BTW I told Parker he should blog while he is in China and that I will miss him and he told me I worry too much.
I love how you even describe the "rectangle dish", so that there's no confusion, my husband would need the same thing! =)
I'm anxious to find out if they actually make the meals. (Hope they do.) No matter what I've tried for meal preparations when I leave, they (four boys) opt to subsist on cold cereal and lunch meat sandwiches.
LOL! Great, no FABLOUS idea! Men! I swear! LOL!
Can you drop that off at my house!
Great idea!
You are brave. I made meals and froze them when I went away one time and they were so sick of eating the ginormous amounts of leftovers that I vowed I would just let them eat ramen and mac & cheese next time. This is such a good idea though.
That's a great idea. I'm actually thinking it might be a really good to do this to prepare for our baby's arrival in the next few weeks! That and a few of my favorite freezer dinners.
That is awesome!! I would love to have some of these in my pantry for those "what in the world will I cook for dinner nights". I love this idea!
Great idea, but if your guys are like mine, it'll be still sitting there when you get home along with some pizza trays and take out chinese!
I just left my hubby for an extended stay with my family. I am helping my sister set up her babies nursery. I fear that my hubby will eat nothing but hotdogs while I'm away! I did leave him a sheet of paper with ideas for breakfast and lunch/dinner ideas. I'm planning on coming back after the baby is born and DEFINATLY plan to implement your idea. I think my hubby's tummy will thank you. :) Hope you have a great time wtih your daughter!!
Just stopping by for the first time. I enjoyed both of your blogs. Nice to find another lds blogger!
Brilliant! Love your tissue paper flowers. I might steal that idea for an enrichment night we'll be having. Mimi
Hi, I have never posted before but I just wanted to let you know I LOVE your blog! You give me so much inspiration to keep fixing and tweeking my home, I love it! I also was in charge of our super saturday for our ward and we are making your FALL sign you did. Did some ideas of my own to change it a little, but thanks for giving me the idea! Keep the fun stuff coming! :)
Love this idea! You are so smart!
I saw your blog on 'Southern Hospitality' and wanted to tell you that I loved it! I added your blog to my google reader and can't wait to read more! Thank you for the inspiration :D
What a great and thoughtful idea!
I enjoyed visiting and learned a new idea too!
How cute! This would be a fun way to help kids learn to cook and plan meals too. Your family is so lucky to have such a thoughtful mom and wife.
Visiting you for the first time after reading you over at Rhoda's. I'll be back for more!
You should instruct the local pizza place not to deliver to them if they call! :oP
My best, Lynn
Great idea looks like you have some great receipes I would love all of those. I get bored with the same old same old. What a great mom you are.
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