I am one to savor all the months of fall.
I know there are many who have already rushed into decorating for winter
and Christmas, but November still means autumn to me.
It's the month to slow down, relax, enjoy,
and take time to contemplate all of my blessings.

and Christmas, but November still means autumn to me.
It's the month to slow down, relax, enjoy,
and take time to contemplate all of my blessings.

How about you?
Do you savor or rush in November?
Do you savor or rush in November?
Both, I savor the rushing :) I'm sad when all the hussel and bussel is over...the planing for holliday meals, looking for just the right gift for loved ones, it brings me joy.
SOOOO pretty ...
Both for me as well... December is my busiest month at work, and sometimes I feel like I don't get to enjoy the Christmas season (my favorite of all) if I don't start a little early... I still do a lot of fall baking and decorating, but Christmas is already on my mind and in my heart!
I savor November and October. They are my harvest months and I treasure the time spent in my garden and kitchen.
I like to savor every minute!
Autumn is my favorite season, so I savor it! Decorations come out sometime after Labor Day and stay until after Thanksgiving - sometimes longer if I'm not in the mood to decorate for Christmas.
Oh I
...savor it!!
There is nothing like it..the colors and the cool breezes!
Love your ode to November!!!
Just lovely!
I savor, because I know that all too soon the madness begins, Joy!
Savor....I do not change anything to Christmas until after Thanksgiving....although, I do start gift shopping....
I definitely savor November and the Thanksgiving season. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I love the thought of showing gratitude and counting blessings! Thanks for the wonderful reminder.
I savor the month of November. Love it and its tempting but don't do anything with Christmas until after Thanksgiving (decorating that is). Right now, in the process of writing gratitude journals to give my kids for Christmas. I love that my work slows down a bit in December which is such a nice time to have a little time off.
I love fall and keep the fall decorating theme in my home until the day after Thanksgiving. That's when the Christmas fun begins! Sometimes a littler earlier that week if I am not having any Thanksgiving get togethers at my house!
Love your mantel and all the mantel displays you do. WELL DONE! I SAVOR Thanksgiving, infact I even wrote a post titled-
"Thanksgiving comes First!" if you are interested in reading it you can read it at LarsenLoves.blogspot.com Have super day. Jen
I am with you! I am anxious to put my spooks and boos away and bring out a few more leaves and pumpkins to relish in Novembers glory! It is a wonderful time to slow down and contemplate all those tender mercies.
I'm bad to rush past the season. I love fall but I get caught up in the "let's get to the BEST season of all...Christmas"!!
Carol in GA
I drink it in. I LOVE fall! It gives me that same feeling of looking at a newborn baby... it's miraculous to look at the changing leaves and feel the Holidays begin.
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I savor every moment. Plus I LOVE my fall decor.
I hold on as long as I can. I love the fall and Thanksgiving is my favorite! I try to make it last as long as I can and give it equal time with Halloween and Christmas getting so much attention.
Savor yes! I love this season when else do we get to look at trees in their lovely splendor? I love cool weather, not a fan of cold though. I'm trying to embrace everyday more and more.
Savor - what could be better than enjoying an month of thanks!!
SAVOUR (But behind the scenes start christmas prep because I am the worlds worst PROCRASTINATOR). THAnks for sharing! LOVE the lime green lanterns!
I savor.
I do enjoy Christmas music from October through December though, especially when baking, knitting or crafting.
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