Thursday, April 10, 2008


This is the first real piece of furniture that my husband and I built together. I adore this piece! It's actually three separate pieces made with one-and-a-half doors. It took several months to convince my husband that we could build it (we have no real cabinet building skills beyond the wood shop class hubby took in Jr. High). During those months I found the PERFECT door! As far as we can tell it is at least a hundred years old. We dated it by the knob, as well as by the faux paint technique that we discovered under layers of old paint. This technique can be found in many of the old homes built by the pioneers of our state. It is true craftsmanship and we are happy that it now has a place of honor in our home. People have asked why we didn't paint the door to match the rest of the piece. We explain it's history---that's the real deal when it comes to crackle paint and faux burled wood.
The other thing that I love, love, love about this piece is that it has become our inspiration. We built it, so we can build almost anything! It has inspired us to renovate areas of our home and yard and build many more furniture pieces. Most of the furniture we build is made from old doors. The wood is incredibly solid, has built-in character and is inexpensive. Oh yes, I "a-door" an old door!


Mrs. B said...

Hi there! I just found you on Today's Creative Blog. I just love this furniture piece you made! It's gorgeous. Beautiful colors and great shape. My hubby and I (well, mostly hubby) have made a few furniture pieces too (nothing this complex though). It's fun!

I like your blog. Looks like you've got a great sense of style!

The Decorating Chica said...

great site. Thanks

The Decorating Chica said...

great site. thanks.

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