It took about two years to convince my husband that we could build it, even though we had already built a couple of other projects. I think that the wait actually made it all the better, because I was able to gather all the right items to re-purpose. I love the details we put into this cabinet, including the rope molding and the bead board backing. I love the finish I chose for it. I painted and distressed it and then I gave it a good waxing to protect the paint.

Now, I've got a test for you. . .
How many items were re-purposed
to make this cabinet?
to make this cabinet?
Gosh, I didn't know there would be a test this morning. Hmm, four?
It's funny how one little project can turn into a whole learning process. For us, it was tearing out the drop ceiling in the LR?DR. Next thing I know, walls are coming down. Then we had to put it all back together.
I'd be a little wary taking out a built in desk as it sounds handy to have, but your cabinet is much nicer to look at. And it's filled with all sorts of goodies.
Have a great day!
I love your special kitchen corner - what a lovely place to feast your eyes! I so wish you were my neighbor Joy! I would love to swap skills, though you are far more skilled than I by far! I have tiles that our son 'tested' with a hammer that need to be replaced - we have the extras but not the confidence to try. For now, a scatter mat covers his experiment. I have some outdoor tiles that I long to spruce up our horrible old cement stoop with - it is an eyesore! Again, no confidence to try!
I have old windows , and a door that would make a great cabinet too - let me guess you use both in your lovely project! I did make a flag standard just a little like yours yesterday - all recycled materials and a sale flag! I think I am going to need some more black matte spray paint if I hang out at your blog long! What kinds of 'craft paints' go over black spray paint well? Your bead board flag project made me wonder what you used.
You are quite an inspiration - so glad I found your blog!
i absolutly l-o-v-e the cabinet! LOVE IT!
No clue on the test answer....but, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cabinet. It is just beautiful!!! Love all the dishes in it too.
I agree it is beautiful! I've never been on to take on such a huge project. I do however want to take some tiling clases at Home Depot or Lowes one of these days. As for how many items you repurposes I am goint to take a wild guess and say five.
I love your kitchen corner and WOW on the cabinet.
I will say about 4 items you repurposed??? Just a wild guess!
wow gorgeous- I'm guessing 8? maybe I'm nuts?
I am so impressed but not surprised you made that!!
I'm thinking maybe the cabinet came from what was left of cabinets on the wall. I'm also thinking you had some leftover molding to use and some bun feet from an old ottoman. Whatever you repurposed, it totally works because this cabinet rocks!
Hi Joy! I love your cabinet and I love those numbered plates above it. I'm not going to even try to guess how many things were repurposed, but I know you are the queen of repurposing! I also absolutely adore your new banner photo! I saw a big (wooden?) flag like that in the PB catalog last year and saved it because I thought maybe I could make something like it. It looks so great on your mantle with the stars. Now I want to paint my walls red.
And I have to tell you, I recently got on Google Earth streetview to see if they had my house on it. Which they did, and when I saw the picture I just about died. The picture was taken at Christmas time, when I had a green faux pine garland draped in swags across my white picket fence. Normally, that wouldn't be so bad, except they took it right after a storm had detached the swags in a couple places, so it was just hanging haphazaradly from the fence. I'm so embarassed! But of course, I thuoght of you when I saw it. Yes, somebody should warn you before they take those pictures!
I wish that i had one!
Want to com to my house and make me one.
Hi Joy! I'm just back to tell you that I have a little award for you over at my blog!
Congrats on your award from Mrs.B! I see it is very well deserved!!!Love all of your project and I will be back! Jen R
Wow, you did a great job! I hate to even guess, as I am sure I am way wrong, but here goes. I think you repurposed 8 pieces.
Im not sure I lost count but I do know who to call when I need to rip something out.. fix sheetrock.. re-tile a floor... and you call me wonder woman... Do you have your own tool belt? I think its is so cool when a woman can do all that stuff. I havent had all of that schoolin' yet but as my house crys for help through the years Im sure I will learn. Take care you sweet lady...smiles.. Susie H~
Love the cabinet very much, Great job. I want to know about those number plates. Details please.
You can read about my number plates here:http://joysofhome.blogspot.com
That looks really awesome!! I love all the dishes. That is one thing I am always drawn to when I am out and about.
WOW! I love your cabinet, but what I like best is that you tore out your existing cabinets and learned how to sheetrock and re-tile. I am a big chicken when it comes to those type of things...maybe if I keep reading your blog I'll gain both the inspiration and courage to becom a do-it yourselfer on "major" projects!
I have been reading through all of your a-doorable posts and love, love love them! I have been wanting to build some bookcases and tables using re-purposed items, but don't have confidence in my carpentry skills. Any chance you will post a tutorial?
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