Some people see the obvious,
while others see the potential.
Let's do a test.while others see the potential.
What do you see in this picture?

Or do you see two beautifully aged garden finials standing next to a nice vase filled with blooming tulips?
I saw the latter.
All it took was a little gray primer spray paint, with
off-white craft paint dry brushed on top.
(Definition of "dry brushed": load a small amount of paint onto the brush. Brush the excess paint off onto a paper towel until there is just a little paint remaining in the brush. With a light hand, apply paint onto the object)
off-white craft paint dry brushed on top.

beautifully aged garden finials too?
Your before and after photos amaze me. You have taught me to look past the color...and note the shape and potential in things!
If you get a chance, drop by my blog and look at the rabbit I got at the thrift store. I want to paint it, but don't really know exactly what to use. I would love your input!
I see them I do, I do......If there is anything I have learned from reading blogs it can be painted!!!!! I always love seeing what you do.
cheap las vegas decor huh? I was thinking those ugly things that people put on top of their christmas trees in the 70's~ Love the transform!
Very, Very nice!
Love it!!!
Since I love old junk, I saw the finials as awesome and full of potential. I would have chosen the same treatment you gave them!! Beautiful!!!!!!
Those look gorgeous! When I graduate from my spray painting, I will check out your technique! I'm still learning all of this crafty kind of stuff...very, very beautiful finials you have there now :)
Gosh, what were those things in their former life? They remind me of lightning rods but on a smaller scale.
Have a great day! Hope it's cooling off for ya. :)
Yep.....beautiful! Love your dry brushing on them. Love the way you displayed them too. cherry
I have started looking at things for what they could be instead of what they are at the moment. Thanks for the inspiration
I just bought a big finial thingy from the thrift store on Saturday and had been trying to decide what color to paint it. I think that I am liking this finish. Very much!
Very nice!
Simply marvelous! You work wonders!
What a great treatment--the dry brushing looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
Believe me, I had no doubt the "after" pictures were gonna be great! I love them.
I see it. These look fantastic.
I see em'.... looking all pretty now! Love that jar too. Where did it go? I think I need it...hehe Susie h~
What an amazing job you do with everything.
Wow! That looks great!I especially like the shade of gray that you chose to use. The dry brushing was the perfect finishing touch!
WOW!! SOOOOOOOOOO much better! :)
your talent just makes me smile!
Ok, I know this is an old post, but I just discovered your blog. Love it! This particularly caught my eye and made me laugh because I have the exact same thingy sitting on my mantel right now. It is still the same brassy orange color at the moment, but when I bought it at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago for $2, my plan was (and still is) to paint it.
Hubby said it looked like some kind of WWI bomb. A goofy male dinner guest said I had it upside down and it was meant to be stuck in the ground next to a headstone, with flowers in it.
Nice to see that someone shares my vision. Great job, BTW!
(posting under dh's acct)
I love to see potential in things. I get goodies at Goodwill that other people pass up, usualy because they are a garish color.
Sadly, I have to admit a part of me didn't see garden finials it saw a CSI backstory in the making. :-D
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