Some time ago I was asked to bring after-dinner mints to a small family gathering. It was a rather unusual request, but I'm not one to say, "Oh please, please, let me bring more!" I am, however, one to do the unexpected. I mean, most people would just buy some nice mints and pour them in a pretty little crystal bowl and call it good. Not me! I like to use the opportunity to give myself another project. And of course, another project means another reason to do my favorite things---break out the black spray paint and go to the thrift store, and, in this case, the dollar store, too. At the dollar store, I found square little dishes made out of a heavy glass. I purchased three, because an odd number is a good design (yeah, I know, it's really scary that my mind thinks of those things even at the dollar store).
At the thrift store I found a cute little wooden box that was just the right size---just like it was meant to hold those dishes. I purchased the box along with an old silver serving spoon.
I spray painted the box black and sanded the edges. I bent the serving spoon into an arch. My husband walked in, and before I could tell him my plans, he picked up the spoon and said, "What happened to this?" as he bent it back into it's original shape!
After I explained my idea, he bent the spoon again and helped me attach it to the front of the box.
This is the final result.
Of course, those are not mints inside. At my house, sweets disappear quickly! The only reason that there's anything in there now is that this picture was taken before my sons got out of bed.
Another wonderful project I am definitely going to get my husband to help me put some of these together. They would be cute made the size of paper napkins and given as a housewarming present or hostess gift. I wish I had half the creativity that you have.
Just to let you know, I am sitting here with my mouth wide open. Just in awe
How CUTE is that!?!?! Girl, you need to start your own magazine or something with all that creative talent you have!! Now you know we are all going to be running out and finding little square glass containers, wooden boxes, and flattering you right? (cause you know we don't c*o*p*y* we flatter)....hee hee
I LOVE that idea! Wow, you are a genius. So cute!
I love this idea! Just to let you know...I found a little wooded box yesterday at the thrift store. It has cross stitch on the top that says 'recipes'....I'm going to copy you and fix it up. LOL
I'll let you know when I have the project done and pics ready to post!
You are awesome for sharing all these wonderful ideas.
Girl, you are too many things!!! This is awesome, I LOVE the spoon idea! :) Those would make AWESOME drawer pulls in a kitchen!!
And here I thought the spoon was going to be for scooping out the mints from the glass containers, silly, simple me! lol
A designing magazine editor should snatch you up and put you to work!!!
PS: oh, I really thought your post was going to be about the mint you grow outside...I made the mistake of putting this in my flower bed...if you know anything about mint (I didn't) know how INVASIVE it is...I so need to get out there and dig that stuff out...the only good thing is the deer do not eat it, lol ;)
Absolutely ADORABLE! What a clever idea! I just am loving your blog! Sorry for all the shouting...
Hi Joy! Oh how cute! Both the box and your husband's helpfulness!lol Really nice idea! Have a great day - Jeannette
That is such a great project, especially the spoon! Actually, I think the best part is how little it cost to be so creative!! Your family will go gaga :)!
Absolutely adorable...and that box was just meant to be wasn't it!
Yes, the 3 glass jars was just motto, decorate and display things in odd numbers. 3 candles, 3 always looks great.
Okay... you just need to write a book with all of these ideas! You are SO clever!
Very cute! I thought your post was going to be about making homemade mints - which is actually quite a lot of fun! I make them for parties and they are so smooth and creamy and melt in your mouth .... and would look totally adorable in your imaginative container!
This is adorable!
You are so creative and just full of wonderful and fun ideas! Love the candy/mint dishes!
Stinking cute!! I love this idea and it is so simple. I've just found your bloggy and I think I love you. Your work is great. I love the little green mossy ball things on your header pic, where did you get them? I need them.
-- Brandi
Totally adorable!
Ok I think that HAS to be the cutes thing evaaaa! Love the old spoon. You are soooo stinkin creative. cherry
I am need of someone to bring mints to my next party. You are officially assigned!!
So cute and creative!!! My house would be the "candy all gone" house too.
Lovely blog! So glad I stopped by for a visit, I love your little project, I too bend spoons, forks and serving pieces and put them on my birdhouses or the cabinets I build! FUN!
Now that just went way over the top Miss JOy... Im so in love with that idea... Oh please will you let me copy? I must cause it's so darn cute! Susie h~
swooning over this!! i have the sudden urge to trawl through the $ store with a new eye.
once again oh so clever! I just had a brain storm two nights ago to do this with spoons to make handles on my kitchen cabinets! I must have been channeling your brain waves because I just popped over and saw this! and I could so see my hubbie asking the "what happened to this spoon?" question!
Are those glass jars called Votive Holders at the Dollar Tree? If so, I just bought 3 of them, lol. Now, I need a box...I am such a copycat, seriously...
Thanks for the tip on the spray paint, I will pick some up the next time I am at Big Lots!
Bella :)
one of your biggest fans ;)
I bought a sort of box shaped thing...and I got some different votive holders at Walmart today...a little bigger and they have shape to them...which will probably work better because the boxy thing I have is a bit longer...not sure I can fit the spoon on there, but I'll figure something out, maybe a small knob....then I will have to glue my glasses down because my box is shallow...then...(can you tell I am excited, lol)...I am going to put those pastel kind of mints in the glasses...and then the Andes wrapped mints scattered at the bottom of the box (there's a lot of room left over in this box)...oh...the box, I just spray painted it black, it's drying now...can't wait, can't wait...I am also doing your wooden letter monogram project, too...they are all drying now, too. I found Martha Stewart scrap paper at Walmart...and did I tell you, I am so excited??? lololol
Thanks again, I could have never thought up these things on my own!!!
I made 2 of these :) Come see!
I think this is my 15th post to this thread, lol....I posted how I made my candy trays that I copied from your mint tray project here:
Thanks again, Joy :)
Just found this ....
You are amazingly creative!
what a great project! I need to get out and start looking for finds and get creative just by watching you ladies.
ok- really silly question... how do you nail through a metal spoon? with just a hammer? it seems bizarre to me for some reason... But I am thinking that would make fabulous kitchen knobs if I knew how to do it! I'll have to try it out with an old spoon and a scrap of wood.
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